2024 Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt - Registration Link
Registration for our 2024 Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt starts tomorrow morning, September 3rd, at 8am at the below link.
This is a premiere youth event, provided entirely free of cost thanks to the generosity of our club and sponsors. Full details of the event can be found on the attached poster. It will fill quickly so plan to register early.
Registration will open at this link:
This is a premiere youth event, provided entirely free of cost thanks to the generosity of our club and sponsors. Full details of the event can be found on the attached poster. It will fill quickly so plan to register early.
Registration will open at this link:
January meeting moved to January 11, 2024 with Argus Audiology
Please note that because of the holidays, we changed the regular club meeting to be Thursday, January 11, 2024. Please don't show up this Thursday night or you will be disappointed. The meeting will be held at the Main Street Baptist Church at 7pm as usual. Membership renewals can be done in person that night.
Argus Audiology will be our special presenter for this meeting. We will also handle regular business afterwards and discuss our upcoming Family Day Weekend Ice fishing derby...
Hope to see you there!
Argus Audiology will be our special presenter for this meeting. We will also handle regular business afterwards and discuss our upcoming Family Day Weekend Ice fishing derby...
Hope to see you there!
2024 Ian Smart Memorial Bursary Recipient
We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the Ian Smart Memorial Bursary this year will be Landen Carter. Landen is pursuing the Truck and Transport Technician program at NBCC Moncton this fall and we wish him best of luck in his studies.
Congratulations to Landen and thank you to all our applicants. Special thanks goes out to Tantramar Electric, who co-sponsors this bursary to support skilled trade students in the region.
Congratulations to Landen and thank you to all our applicants. Special thanks goes out to Tantramar Electric, who co-sponsors this bursary to support skilled trade students in the region.
Here's some pictures from our annual Adopt-a-Stream cleanup, sponsored by the NBWF and the NB Wildlife Trust Fund. Participants received t-shirts, and we finished with lunch from Subway thanks to our sponsors.
We split up into teams and cleaned several local waterways, collecting 23 bags of garbage. Some of the locations are near the roadways and highway, meaning there's higher amounts of trash there.
Special thanks goes to the Town of Tantramar who are always willing to donate gloves, bags, and dispose of the trash we pick up. Thank you to all who were willing to come and help. Each year we hope to see a reduction in the amount of trash cleaned up but it never subsides. Let's do a better job at keeping our area clean for humanity and the wildlife that inhabits our beautiful waterways! Thank you for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club.
We split up into teams and cleaned several local waterways, collecting 23 bags of garbage. Some of the locations are near the roadways and highway, meaning there's higher amounts of trash there.
Special thanks goes to the Town of Tantramar who are always willing to donate gloves, bags, and dispose of the trash we pick up. Thank you to all who were willing to come and help. Each year we hope to see a reduction in the amount of trash cleaned up but it never subsides. Let's do a better job at keeping our area clean for humanity and the wildlife that inhabits our beautiful waterways! Thank you for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club.
Reminder - 2024 Memberships are now Due
Just a reminder that our memberships are issued on a calendar year basis, so if your card has an expiry date of December 31, 2023 you now need to renew. If you still need to renew you can renew locally at the Sackville NAPA location or check our website for other options.
Our membership director has changed to Adam Steeves, but you can reach him at the same email address - membership@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Please be understanding as we switch these roles and he gets used to the procedures. All the memberships that were renewed by December 31 have been processed by outgoing director (Wayne Anderson) and are in the mail for you.
Sincere thanks go out for his work over these past few years. We always had an up-to-date record of our growing club during his tenure. Thanks for everything you did for us Wayne!
Our membership director has changed to Adam Steeves, but you can reach him at the same email address - membership@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Please be understanding as we switch these roles and he gets used to the procedures. All the memberships that were renewed by December 31 have been processed by outgoing director (Wayne Anderson) and are in the mail for you.
Sincere thanks go out for his work over these past few years. We always had an up-to-date record of our growing club during his tenure. Thanks for everything you did for us Wayne!
NL Moose Hunt Raffle Fundraiser
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding a fundraiser raffle for a Full-Service Moose Hunting Package (2 hunters, one moose) with Double M Outfitters in Newfoundland. The lucky winner will receive $1,000 in spending money to cover any additional costs.
Tickets are $100 and we will sell up to 150 of them. Draw date is March 24, 2024. To purchase, reach out to one of our ticket sellers, or send an email transfer (with name and phone number) to president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
You have all seen the posts of the good work that our club does for the outdoor community and youth. From hunter and firearms training to fishing derbies, shoots, and mentored waterfowl hunts we invest in our youth! Help us keep making a difference in the next generation.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Tickets are $100 and we will sell up to 150 of them. Draw date is March 24, 2024. To purchase, reach out to one of our ticket sellers, or send an email transfer (with name and phone number) to president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
You have all seen the posts of the good work that our club does for the outdoor community and youth. From hunter and firearms training to fishing derbies, shoots, and mentored waterfowl hunts we invest in our youth! Help us keep making a difference in the next generation.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
2023 Annual General Meeting Election Results
The club election results tonight are as follows, for a 2-year term beginning on January 1, 2024
President - Wayne Ward (acclaimed)
Treasurer - Cathy Cormier (elected)
Directors - Jimmy Miller and Terrance Wheaton (elected)
Thanks go out to Sean Gormley and Jonathon Hicks who served on our executive.
Also departing our volunteers is Dale Ward, as chairman of the shoot committee, and Wayne Anderson, membership director.
Thank you all for your help and service these past number of years, ensuring that we can make a difference in the local outdoor community.
Thank you also to everyone who put their name forward to serve on our executive! It is exciting to see enthusiasm to get involved. Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
President - Wayne Ward (acclaimed)
Treasurer - Cathy Cormier (elected)
Directors - Jimmy Miller and Terrance Wheaton (elected)
Thanks go out to Sean Gormley and Jonathon Hicks who served on our executive.
Also departing our volunteers is Dale Ward, as chairman of the shoot committee, and Wayne Anderson, membership director.
Thank you all for your help and service these past number of years, ensuring that we can make a difference in the local outdoor community.
Thank you also to everyone who put their name forward to serve on our executive! It is exciting to see enthusiasm to get involved. Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Walker Road Range Improvements - New Warming Shelter
The new warming shelter is on site and on the posts! There's work to do in getting it wired for a bit of solar, insulated, and finished but this is a fantastic addition to the facilities! Looking forward to using it for some winter and spring shoots...
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
2023 Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt Wrapup
Our third annual waterfowl workshop and mentored hunt was held on October 13-14, 2023, in and around the Beaubassin Research Station on the Tantramar Marsh. Both youth and parents were able to attend the event at no cost. Demand was high for our event and registration filled in less than an hour this time, resulting in a large waiting list. Because of the demand, we decided to increase the size of our event to accommodate 14 first timers rather than the original 12, so we could share our knowledge and passion with these youth.
The event began on Friday with an evening of training for all participants. After registration, we shared a BBQ and then started important training on safety, laws, decoy placement, calling, waterfowl ID, and hunter ethics. They also received a large package of gear as a “waterfowl hunter’s starter kit” including 6 floating decoys with Texas rigging, decoy bags, gear bags, a duck and goose call on a lanyard, waterfowl books, stickers, hats, 2 boxes of non-toxic waterfowl ammunition, hand warming sleeves, survival kits, multitools and headlamps, a waterfowl cookbook, and other gifts, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. All participants were granted a one-year membership in the Sackville Rod and Gun Club free of charge, to help continue their outdoor experience and growth. They got to meet their mentors and make a plan for meeting up the next morning. After the instruction they were sent out for the night with a take-away package of snacks for the next day.
On Saturday morning each group (a youth, parent/guardian, and mentor) went to previously scouted and prepared locations for their waterfowl hunt experience. They were able to experience the hunt and learn from experienced mentors some of the lessons we taught them in the class the previous day. The hunt lasted for the morning with everyone meeting back at the Beaubassin Research Station at 11am for wrap-up. 12 of our 14 groups harvested birds and everyone loved the experience. The learning continued at the station as we started with a retriever dog training demonstration, and then were able to do a real-life waterfowl ID and help with cleaning the birds and preparing for transport. We closed by feeding the participants a pizza meal and we sat around for a “sharing circle” to discuss what everyone had learned and their best memories. Several conservation groups also shared with the participants about the valuable work that they do in our area.
As a follow-up to the event, we did a wrap-up online survey, and we purchased Ducks Unlimited Canada memberships (which includes a magazine subscription) for each youth participant, helping to continue their learning and keep them connected with hunting and the outdoors in the offseason.
Thanks go out to our volunteers and our many sponsors including Ducks Unlimited Canada, Wildlife Habitat Canada, the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, the Bass Pro and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, the Town of Tantramar, Action Fasteners, the Sackville Rod and Gun Club, Matt’s Flats Mobile Tire Repair, J&J Hicks Brothers Renovations, and the Gun Dealer. We are greatly appreciative of everything our sponsors and supporters do for us. You are all helping us make a difference in the lives of these families, ensuring that the heritage of waterfowl hunting has been passed on to help them become safe, ethical, and conservation-minded stewards of our resources. Planning has already begun for our 2024 event.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Ward, President – Sackville Rod and Gun Club
The event began on Friday with an evening of training for all participants. After registration, we shared a BBQ and then started important training on safety, laws, decoy placement, calling, waterfowl ID, and hunter ethics. They also received a large package of gear as a “waterfowl hunter’s starter kit” including 6 floating decoys with Texas rigging, decoy bags, gear bags, a duck and goose call on a lanyard, waterfowl books, stickers, hats, 2 boxes of non-toxic waterfowl ammunition, hand warming sleeves, survival kits, multitools and headlamps, a waterfowl cookbook, and other gifts, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. All participants were granted a one-year membership in the Sackville Rod and Gun Club free of charge, to help continue their outdoor experience and growth. They got to meet their mentors and make a plan for meeting up the next morning. After the instruction they were sent out for the night with a take-away package of snacks for the next day.
On Saturday morning each group (a youth, parent/guardian, and mentor) went to previously scouted and prepared locations for their waterfowl hunt experience. They were able to experience the hunt and learn from experienced mentors some of the lessons we taught them in the class the previous day. The hunt lasted for the morning with everyone meeting back at the Beaubassin Research Station at 11am for wrap-up. 12 of our 14 groups harvested birds and everyone loved the experience. The learning continued at the station as we started with a retriever dog training demonstration, and then were able to do a real-life waterfowl ID and help with cleaning the birds and preparing for transport. We closed by feeding the participants a pizza meal and we sat around for a “sharing circle” to discuss what everyone had learned and their best memories. Several conservation groups also shared with the participants about the valuable work that they do in our area.
As a follow-up to the event, we did a wrap-up online survey, and we purchased Ducks Unlimited Canada memberships (which includes a magazine subscription) for each youth participant, helping to continue their learning and keep them connected with hunting and the outdoors in the offseason.
Thanks go out to our volunteers and our many sponsors including Ducks Unlimited Canada, Wildlife Habitat Canada, the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, the Bass Pro and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, the Town of Tantramar, Action Fasteners, the Sackville Rod and Gun Club, Matt’s Flats Mobile Tire Repair, J&J Hicks Brothers Renovations, and the Gun Dealer. We are greatly appreciative of everything our sponsors and supporters do for us. You are all helping us make a difference in the lives of these families, ensuring that the heritage of waterfowl hunting has been passed on to help them become safe, ethical, and conservation-minded stewards of our resources. Planning has already begun for our 2024 event.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Ward, President – Sackville Rod and Gun Club
2023 Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt - October 13-14, 2023
It's almost time to sign up for the 2023 Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt! This year's even will be held on October 13-14, 2023.
12 youth from the ages of 12-17 will be able to come with us for this great event, where they will receive training in subjects like calling, decoy placement, ethics, duck ID, on Friday, October 13 (mandatory). Then on Saturday morning they will meet up with a mentor to go on a great hunting experience...
In addition, participants will receive a waterfowl hunting starter kit packed with tons of gear including items like decoys, calls, hats, books, headlamps, survival kits, and much more. The entire event is free of charge thanks to the generousity of our sponsors! Check out the poster below for full details.
Signup will begin on Tuesday, September 5th at 8am at the following link:
Don't delay as it will fill up quickly!
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
12 youth from the ages of 12-17 will be able to come with us for this great event, where they will receive training in subjects like calling, decoy placement, ethics, duck ID, on Friday, October 13 (mandatory). Then on Saturday morning they will meet up with a mentor to go on a great hunting experience...
In addition, participants will receive a waterfowl hunting starter kit packed with tons of gear including items like decoys, calls, hats, books, headlamps, survival kits, and much more. The entire event is free of charge thanks to the generousity of our sponsors! Check out the poster below for full details.
Signup will begin on Tuesday, September 5th at 8am at the following link:
Don't delay as it will fill up quickly!
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
2023 Walker Road Shooting Competitions
Our annual shooting competitions at the Walker Road Range are being held as follows:
Sunday, March 5th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm - Big Bore Shoot
Sunday, March 12th from 1:30pm to 4pm - Small Bore Shoot
Full details can be found on the below posters. Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Sunday, March 5th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm - Big Bore Shoot
Sunday, March 12th from 1:30pm to 4pm - Small Bore Shoot
Full details can be found on the below posters. Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club
2023 Youth Ice Fishing Derby
We're still planning to have our annual Youth Ice Fishing Derby on the family day weekend at Morice Pond/Silver Lake... But it's very weather dependent (ice conditions). Safety will be our primary concern. Let's hope for some cold ice-making weather!
Registration opens up on February 4. Full details are on the attached poster!
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Registration opens up on February 4. Full details are on the attached poster!
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Range Safety Officer Course - February 25, 2023
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club operates two shooting ranges in the Sackville area, on Walker Road and Landing Road. We have developed an internal safety course for Range Safety Officers (RSOs).
We will be holding an RSO course on Saturday, February 25 at the Main Street Baptist Church beginning at 9am. The course will be free of charge and is recognized for SRGC events only.
To register, contact Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
We will be holding an RSO course on Saturday, February 25 at the Main Street Baptist Church beginning at 9am. The course will be free of charge and is recognized for SRGC events only.
To register, contact Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
NL Moose Hunt Raffle
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding a fundraiser raffle for a Full-Service Moose Hunting Package (2 hunters, one moose) with Double M Outfitters in Newfoundland. The lucky winner will receive $1,000 in spending money to cover any additional costs.
Tickets are $100 and we will sell up to 150 of them. Draw date is April 15, 2023. To purchase, reach out to one of the club ticket sellers or send an email transfer to president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Tickets are $100 and we will sell up to 150 of them. Draw date is April 15, 2023. To purchase, reach out to one of the club ticket sellers or send an email transfer to president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Annual Meeting Election Results
At our annual meeting on December 8, the following people were re-elected for a 2-year term beginning January 1:
1st Vice-President - Paul Branscombe
2nd Vice-President - Robbie Smith
Secretary - Jennifer Ward
Directors - Roger Estabrooks
These terms will end on December 31, 2024.
Thanks to all for their dedication and commitment to the club and executive.
1st Vice-President - Paul Branscombe
2nd Vice-President - Robbie Smith
Secretary - Jennifer Ward
Directors - Roger Estabrooks
These terms will end on December 31, 2024.
Thanks to all for their dedication and commitment to the club and executive.
Wrapup of 2022 Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt
Our second annual waterfowl workshop and mentored hunt was held on October 7-8, 2023, in and around the Beaubassin Research Station on the Tantramar Marsh. We had 12 youth involved along with many parents and volunteers for the event. Both youth and parents were able to attend the event at no cost.
The event began with an evening of training for all participants. After registration, we shared a BBQ and then started important training on safety, laws, decoy placement, calling, waterfowl ID, and hunter ethics. They also received a large package of gear as a “waterfowl hunter’s starter kit” including 10 floating decoys, gear bags, a duck and goose call on a lanyard, waterfowl books, stickers, hats, 2 boxes of non-toxic waterfowl ammunition, and other gifts, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. All participants were granted a one-year membership in the Sackville Rod and Gun Club free of charge, to help continue their outdoor experience and growth. They got to meet their mentors and make a plan for meeting up the next morning. After the instruction they were sent out for the night with a take-away package of snacks for the next day.
On Saturday morning each group (a youth, parent/guardian, and mentor) went to previously scouted and prepared locations for their waterfowl hunt experience. They were able to experience the hunt and learn from experienced mentors some of the lessons we taught them in the class the previous day. The hunt lasted for the morning with everyone meeting back at the Beaubassin Research Station at 11am for wrapup. Every group except one was able to harvest birds. The learning continued at the station as we were able to do a real-life waterfowl ID and help with cleaning the birds and preparing for transport. Then the participants were fed a pizza meal and we sat around for a “sharing circle” to discuss what everyone had learned and their best memories. Several conservation groups also shared with the participants about the valuable work that they do in our area.
As a follow-up to the event we did a wrap-up online survey, and over the winter the Sackville Rod and Gun Club purchased 1-year Ducks Unlimited “Greenwing” memberships (which includes a magazine subscription) for each youth participant, helping to continue their learning and keep them connected with hunting and the outdoors in the offseason.
Thanks go out to our volunteers and our many sponsors including Ducks Unlimited Canada, the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, the Bass Pro and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, the Sackville Rod and Gun Club, Matt’s Flats Mobile Tire Repair, J&J Hicks Brothers Renovations, P&J Gouchie Contracting, the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, and Delta Waterfowl. As the event has gotten more exposure, we were offered discounts on the food from Rose’s Your Independent Grocer and Jack’s Pizza to help keep the costs low. We are greatly appreciative of everything our sponsors and supporters do for us. You are all helping us make a difference in the lives of these families, ensuring that the heritage of waterfowl hunting has been passed on to help them become safe, ethical, and conservation-minded stewards of our resources. Planning has already begun for our 2023 event.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
The event began with an evening of training for all participants. After registration, we shared a BBQ and then started important training on safety, laws, decoy placement, calling, waterfowl ID, and hunter ethics. They also received a large package of gear as a “waterfowl hunter’s starter kit” including 10 floating decoys, gear bags, a duck and goose call on a lanyard, waterfowl books, stickers, hats, 2 boxes of non-toxic waterfowl ammunition, and other gifts, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. All participants were granted a one-year membership in the Sackville Rod and Gun Club free of charge, to help continue their outdoor experience and growth. They got to meet their mentors and make a plan for meeting up the next morning. After the instruction they were sent out for the night with a take-away package of snacks for the next day.
On Saturday morning each group (a youth, parent/guardian, and mentor) went to previously scouted and prepared locations for their waterfowl hunt experience. They were able to experience the hunt and learn from experienced mentors some of the lessons we taught them in the class the previous day. The hunt lasted for the morning with everyone meeting back at the Beaubassin Research Station at 11am for wrapup. Every group except one was able to harvest birds. The learning continued at the station as we were able to do a real-life waterfowl ID and help with cleaning the birds and preparing for transport. Then the participants were fed a pizza meal and we sat around for a “sharing circle” to discuss what everyone had learned and their best memories. Several conservation groups also shared with the participants about the valuable work that they do in our area.
As a follow-up to the event we did a wrap-up online survey, and over the winter the Sackville Rod and Gun Club purchased 1-year Ducks Unlimited “Greenwing” memberships (which includes a magazine subscription) for each youth participant, helping to continue their learning and keep them connected with hunting and the outdoors in the offseason.
Thanks go out to our volunteers and our many sponsors including Ducks Unlimited Canada, the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, the Bass Pro and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, the Sackville Rod and Gun Club, Matt’s Flats Mobile Tire Repair, J&J Hicks Brothers Renovations, P&J Gouchie Contracting, the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, and Delta Waterfowl. As the event has gotten more exposure, we were offered discounts on the food from Rose’s Your Independent Grocer and Jack’s Pizza to help keep the costs low. We are greatly appreciative of everything our sponsors and supporters do for us. You are all helping us make a difference in the lives of these families, ensuring that the heritage of waterfowl hunting has been passed on to help them become safe, ethical, and conservation-minded stewards of our resources. Planning has already begun for our 2023 event.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Club Meetings to move to Thursday Nights beginning in October
Due to venue availability, we are moving our club meetings to Thursday nights beginning with the October regular meeting.
We will continue to meet at the Main Street Baptist Church in Sackville beginning at 7pm. Refreshments are typically served and we have a monthly guest speaker.
Hope to see you on October 6!
We will continue to meet at the Main Street Baptist Church in Sackville beginning at 7pm. Refreshments are typically served and we have a monthly guest speaker.
Hope to see you on October 6!
Trap shoot at Walker Road Range - Monday, August 29, 2022
The club would like to announce that we are going to hold our weekly clay bird shoot next week (August 29) at the Walker Road Range, as a trap shoot, beginning at 6pm. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF LOCATION.
The cost will remain the same ($5 a round for 25 clays). The shoot will be open to both members and non-members.
Operating this range means that the Walker Road Range will be closed to all other firearm shooting (rifle/pistol/shotgun on 100, 50, and 25m) but the archery range can remain open. Thanks for your understanding!
Trap shooting will give a different experience to participants than our usual format, and may be easier for younger or inexperienced shooters. Come on out and give it a try!
The cost will remain the same ($5 a round for 25 clays). The shoot will be open to both members and non-members.
Operating this range means that the Walker Road Range will be closed to all other firearm shooting (rifle/pistol/shotgun on 100, 50, and 25m) but the archery range can remain open. Thanks for your understanding!
Trap shooting will give a different experience to participants than our usual format, and may be easier for younger or inexperienced shooters. Come on out and give it a try!
Youth Archery Day Recap - Walker Road Archery Range
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club hosted a youth archery day on August 21, 2022 with 20 youth and 20 adults in attendance, at our Walker Road Range. Our event was open to both club members and the general public, and the vast majority of the participants were non-members. It was promoted via emails to our club membership, through social media, our club website, the town of Sackville event calendar, and emails to some of the local youth organizations in Sackville. Participants were pre-registered and registration filled completely. This was the first organized training event we were able to hold at our Walker Road Archery Range, which was created in 2021-22.
After a safety lesson, the youth were able to try recurve bows, compound bows, and crossbows. They received one-on-one instruction, and then were able to try the bows in a controlled line, learning proper range safety procedures. We also invited the parents to take part in the activities and they were happy to be involved. The day ended with a BBQ meal for the youth and parents.
The event was sponsored by the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, which was coordinated through our parent organization the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation. The club purchased youth recurve bows and arrows along with arm guards with sponsorship money. We also received a few prizes from the Atlantic Archery Center who donated hats for the kids along with two bow stringers for the recurve bows. And the Sackville Rod and Gun Club purchased all the targets along with food for the event, and provided volunteers and in-kind support.
Most of the participants expressed that they would like to go on to take bowhunter safety courses when available and continue to use our ranges and club facilities. Feedback was very positive and several of the parents expressed interest in having an adult-focused event where we could coach and teach them in the future. Several expressed plans to invest in archery equipment as a result of this experience.
We are very thankful for the generosity of our sponsors which enabled us to hold this event and equip us for future youth programs on our archery range. The club is passionate about sharing these outdoor pursuits with the next generation and we are glad we were able to train these youth to safely experience several forms of archery. Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
After a safety lesson, the youth were able to try recurve bows, compound bows, and crossbows. They received one-on-one instruction, and then were able to try the bows in a controlled line, learning proper range safety procedures. We also invited the parents to take part in the activities and they were happy to be involved. The day ended with a BBQ meal for the youth and parents.
The event was sponsored by the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, which was coordinated through our parent organization the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation. The club purchased youth recurve bows and arrows along with arm guards with sponsorship money. We also received a few prizes from the Atlantic Archery Center who donated hats for the kids along with two bow stringers for the recurve bows. And the Sackville Rod and Gun Club purchased all the targets along with food for the event, and provided volunteers and in-kind support.
Most of the participants expressed that they would like to go on to take bowhunter safety courses when available and continue to use our ranges and club facilities. Feedback was very positive and several of the parents expressed interest in having an adult-focused event where we could coach and teach them in the future. Several expressed plans to invest in archery equipment as a result of this experience.
We are very thankful for the generosity of our sponsors which enabled us to hold this event and equip us for future youth programs on our archery range. The club is passionate about sharing these outdoor pursuits with the next generation and we are glad we were able to train these youth to safely experience several forms of archery. Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Ian Smart Memorial Bursary - recipient announced
Our club currently sponsors two separate bursaries ($500 each) for graduating students of Tantramar Regional High School: one to students heading in a conservation-related field (2022 recipient - Aneke Harpur) and one in memory of Ian Smart, that is presented to someone entering a skilled trade.
We are pleased to announce that our recipient in memory of Ian Smart for 2022 is Cole Stright, who will be studying an automotive technician program at Holland College this fall. Thanks to all our applicants and we are so thankful for the chance to support our local youth!
We are pleased to announce that our recipient in memory of Ian Smart for 2022 is Cole Stright, who will be studying an automotive technician program at Holland College this fall. Thanks to all our applicants and we are so thankful for the chance to support our local youth!
Youth Fishing Derby Recap - June 4, 2022
We had a great time at our annual Youth Fishing Derby on June 4, 2022, held in Upper Sackville! We had 60 kids involved split into two sessions. It was a day filled with smiles and prizes, and one that was a first fishing experience for many kids.
We are so thankful to the many volunteers and our sponsors, without whom we wouldn't be able to put on this great event year after year free of cost! Our sponsors included the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, the NB Conservation Officer Association, Matt's Flats, Tantramar Electric, and Rose's Your Independent Grocer. Food was collected for the Sackville Food Bank, which was dropped off that afternoon.
Here's some pictures of this great event! Special thanks go out to our Fish Committee Chairman Paul Branscombe, along with his wife Shirley who handles our registration.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
We are so thankful to the many volunteers and our sponsors, without whom we wouldn't be able to put on this great event year after year free of cost! Our sponsors included the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, the NB Conservation Officer Association, Matt's Flats, Tantramar Electric, and Rose's Your Independent Grocer. Food was collected for the Sackville Food Bank, which was dropped off that afternoon.
Here's some pictures of this great event! Special thanks go out to our Fish Committee Chairman Paul Branscombe, along with his wife Shirley who handles our registration.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Adopt a Stream - May 28, 2022
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held our annual cleanup on Saturday, May 28 and this year we focused on the Tantramar River.
We cleaned three different spots on the Tantramar River, two of which connect to the Trans-Canada highway. The weather was warm and extremely windy with some light rain at times.
In all we had 16 participants. We collected 19 bags of garbage along with additional loose items, and a bag of recyclables. Some of the strangest items included a bumper cover, plastic pipe, brake drums, and an old wooden ladder...
Participants received a t-shirt and a gift card for lunch at Subway as a reward for their good deed.
The adults and youth involved had a great time and they were already talking about next year. Thanks go out to the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, and the Town of Sackville for supporting this great event!
We cleaned three different spots on the Tantramar River, two of which connect to the Trans-Canada highway. The weather was warm and extremely windy with some light rain at times.
In all we had 16 participants. We collected 19 bags of garbage along with additional loose items, and a bag of recyclables. Some of the strangest items included a bumper cover, plastic pipe, brake drums, and an old wooden ladder...
Participants received a t-shirt and a gift card for lunch at Subway as a reward for their good deed.
The adults and youth involved had a great time and they were already talking about next year. Thanks go out to the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, and the Town of Sackville for supporting this great event!
Youth Fishing Derby - June 4, 2022
Our Annual Youth Fishing Derby is being held on Saturday, June 4 at 17 Forks Road in Upper Sackville. We are holding it in 2 separate groups of 30 youth between the age of 5 and 15 years of age.
There are a large number of awards and a free BBQ for attendees. Pre-registration is required by calling Shirley Branscombe at 536-3539, beginning this Saturday, May 21st until full.
We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the local food bank as an entry fee. See full details and rules on the attached poster.
There are a large number of awards and a free BBQ for attendees. Pre-registration is required by calling Shirley Branscombe at 536-3539, beginning this Saturday, May 21st until full.
We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the local food bank as an entry fee. See full details and rules on the attached poster.
Landing Road Range Now Open for Season - Every Monday Night
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is open for the season at our Landing Road Shotgun Range!
We will hold our first shoot tonight, Monday, May 16 at 6:00 PM. We will shoot until dusk. Shoots will be held every Monday until fall (weather permitting)
The range is located at 32 Landing Road in Sackville. We ask that you park at the gate, and walk to shooting field. We will assist any participants who are unable to walk the 200 metre distance to the new field.
The cost is $4.00 per round (20 clay targets). Please bring your own shotgun and ammunition. Only shot pellet sizes 71/2, 8 and 9 are permitted.
Eye protection and hearing protection are mandatory. Please bring your own eye and ear protection.
We will hold our first shoot tonight, Monday, May 16 at 6:00 PM. We will shoot until dusk. Shoots will be held every Monday until fall (weather permitting)
The range is located at 32 Landing Road in Sackville. We ask that you park at the gate, and walk to shooting field. We will assist any participants who are unable to walk the 200 metre distance to the new field.
The cost is $4.00 per round (20 clay targets). Please bring your own shotgun and ammunition. Only shot pellet sizes 71/2, 8 and 9 are permitted.
Eye protection and hearing protection are mandatory. Please bring your own eye and ear protection.
Larry's Gulch Raffle - winner announced
Congratulations to the winner of our raffle trip for two to Larry's Gulch, NB's premiere salmon fishing destination on the beautiful Restigouche River! The trip is June 8-10, and is a shared rod.
The draw was completed on May 15th and the lucky winner was Jonathon Hicks. You can see our draw by video on the SRGC Facebook page.
Thanks go out to the New Brunswick Salmon Council for providing the trip to us, and to all the ticket purchasers.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
The draw was completed on May 15th and the lucky winner was Jonathon Hicks. You can see our draw by video on the SRGC Facebook page.
Thanks go out to the New Brunswick Salmon Council for providing the trip to us, and to all the ticket purchasers.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Youth Bird Habitat Day - April 2, 2022
We hosted a great Bird Habitat Day with the 1st Tantramar Scouts on April 2nd, in spite of some uncertain weather. Over the past few weeks the various levels of scouts assembled all the sparrow nest boxes themselves for this special event.
The youth were taught today about the lifecycle of some of our local birds, and we installed dozens of swallow and wood duck nesting boxes in Upper Sackville. We closed with a BBQ meal and hot chocolate for participants. Thanks to all our volunteers and local businesses who help keep this club making a difference in the community for wildlife and our local youth! Special thanks to sponsors Beale and Inch Construction, Ducks Unlimited, and the Town of Sackville.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
The youth were taught today about the lifecycle of some of our local birds, and we installed dozens of swallow and wood duck nesting boxes in Upper Sackville. We closed with a BBQ meal and hot chocolate for participants. Thanks to all our volunteers and local businesses who help keep this club making a difference in the community for wildlife and our local youth! Special thanks to sponsors Beale and Inch Construction, Ducks Unlimited, and the Town of Sackville.
Thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
March Meeting - NB Deer Biologist Joe Kennedy
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club was pleased to have New Brunswick Deer Biologist Joe Kennedy as guest speaker at our March meeting. He shared some of the findings from the UNB Deer Collaring study and spoke about trends in the local deer population.
He has permitted us to post the attached presentation that provides some of the information about the local deer population.
He has permitted us to post the attached presentation that provides some of the information about the local deer population.

sackville_deer_2022_presentation.pptx | |
File Size: | 3079 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
SRGC Youth Ice Fishing Derby - Saturday, February 26, 2022
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held their annual ice fishing derby on Saturday, February 26th on Silver Lake (Morice Pond) in Middle Sackville. Because of COVID restrictions, the event was split into two groups again, with one group of kids from 9-11am and a second from 1-3pm. The event was open from age 5-15 inclusively.
For the first time, we were delayed this year by unseasonably warm weather, and it had to be pushed back by a week from the original date on February 19th. Things froze up solid again and we were able to hold the event this past weekend without issue.
In all, we had 36 kids between the two groups, along with parents and volunteers. Temperatures ranged from -18 in the early morning to -6 in the afternoon, but the lack of wind made it bearable for most. Unfortunately, the fishing was slow this year and no kids were able to land fish. But there seemed to be plenty of smiles and the kids tried hard, some changing bait or rods several times to try to get the magic combination.
Having held this event for three years now, there were a number of returnees… however we had a lot of new participants, including some who had never done any type of fishing before.
We hope that next year we’ll be able to go back to a more normal experience with warming shelters and refreshments!
Thanks go out to all the volunteers and helpers that assisted us in putting on the event.
For the first time, we were delayed this year by unseasonably warm weather, and it had to be pushed back by a week from the original date on February 19th. Things froze up solid again and we were able to hold the event this past weekend without issue.
In all, we had 36 kids between the two groups, along with parents and volunteers. Temperatures ranged from -18 in the early morning to -6 in the afternoon, but the lack of wind made it bearable for most. Unfortunately, the fishing was slow this year and no kids were able to land fish. But there seemed to be plenty of smiles and the kids tried hard, some changing bait or rods several times to try to get the magic combination.
Having held this event for three years now, there were a number of returnees… however we had a lot of new participants, including some who had never done any type of fishing before.
We hope that next year we’ll be able to go back to a more normal experience with warming shelters and refreshments!
Thanks go out to all the volunteers and helpers that assisted us in putting on the event.
The winners of our Gift Card Raffle were announced on March 15, 2022 as follows:
1st prize - Tracey Hicks ($1,000 President's Choice Gift Card)
2nd prize - Samantha Young ($200 Bass Pro Shops Gift Card)
3rd prize - Terry Smith ($200 Canadian Tire Gift Card)
Congratulations to the lucky winners and thank you for your support!
Terry Smith, president of Alltech Environmental and board member of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation has donated his gift card back to the club to help purchase items for the youth at the upcoming fall Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt.
1st prize - Tracey Hicks ($1,000 President's Choice Gift Card)
2nd prize - Samantha Young ($200 Bass Pro Shops Gift Card)
3rd prize - Terry Smith ($200 Canadian Tire Gift Card)
Congratulations to the lucky winners and thank you for your support!
Terry Smith, president of Alltech Environmental and board member of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation has donated his gift card back to the club to help purchase items for the youth at the upcoming fall Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt.
2021 President's Report - December
2021 has been a tough year in many ways, but it was also a productive one for our club as we were able to accomplish a great deal in spite of the pandemic!
Best wishes throughout the Christmas and New Year's Season and looking forward to serving the community with you all in 2021!
Wayne Ward
President, Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Best wishes throughout the Christmas and New Year's Season and looking forward to serving the community with you all in 2021!
Wayne Ward
President, Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Presentation to supporters Andy and Roxanne Rose
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club was pleased to present Andy and Roxanne Rose with this beautiful print and certificate of appreciation in December. Pictured (L-R) are Wayne Ward (president), Roger Estabrooks (director), Andy Rose, and Roxanne Rose in front of the Rose’s Independent Grocer sign.
The Rose family have been great supporters of the club over the years, allowing us to provide programming to the community and youth. We are so thankful for their support, enabling us to make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
The Rose family have been great supporters of the club over the years, allowing us to provide programming to the community and youth. We are so thankful for their support, enabling us to make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Results of Election - New Executive Members
At our annual meeting on December 1, the following people were elected for a 2-year term beginning January 1:
President - Wayne Ward
Treasurer - Sean Gormley
Directors - Jonathon Hicks and Jim Miller
As a result of Sean Gormley taking treasurer he has stepped down from secretary. After a motion from the floor, Jennifer Ward will take the remaining year of his term.
Thanks go out to Craig Smith, Dannie Thompson, and Terrance Wheaton for their dedication and commitment on the outgoing club executive.
President - Wayne Ward
Treasurer - Sean Gormley
Directors - Jonathon Hicks and Jim Miller
As a result of Sean Gormley taking treasurer he has stepped down from secretary. After a motion from the floor, Jennifer Ward will take the remaining year of his term.
Thanks go out to Craig Smith, Dannie Thompson, and Terrance Wheaton for their dedication and commitment on the outgoing club executive.
Southeast NB Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt Recap
The SouthEast New Brunswick Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt was held on Friday, September 17 and Saturday, September 18, 2021. We were excited to host 11 youth along with their parents/guardians for this weekend learning about the tradition and management of migratory bird hunting.
Youth were pre-registered on a first-come basis through a web form collecting important registration information. Our team of volunteers helped to coordinate the completion of “Heritage Day” permits through the Dieppe office of NB Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, along with the parents. We also helped to organize what the youth and parents/guardians would require for the weekend to give them the best chance to be successful.
The weekend began at the Beaubassin Research Station with an opening BBQ meal on Friday night after registration. Youth and guardians were taught lessons on safety, laws, ethics, decoy placement, calling, and waterfowl ID. They also received their “waterfowl hunting starter kits,” packed with items to help them in their hunting journey. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, each youth received 6 floating mallard decoys, a gear bag, 2 boxes of non-toxic waterfowl ammunition, 2 duck calls on a call lanyard, a waterfowl ID pamphlet, four hats, stickers, a newsletter, a portable flashlight, a magazine, poster, and pin. They were introduced to their “mentors” for the Saturday hunt and made plans for the morning hunt. At the end of the night they were sent back to their homes with a take-away breakfast and snacks for the next day.
Saturday morning they met their mentors and headed to previously prepared hunting spots. The mentors had worked very hard to scout and prepare blinds for this special day. Their hard work was rewarded with great results as every one of them harvested at least one bird, with a total of 25 migratory birds taken. All the groups returned to the Beaubassin Research Station near noon for a bird identification, a retriever demonstration, cleaning help and demonstration, and a closing pizza meal.
Sponsors for this event included the Sackville Rod and Gun Club, Ducks Unlimited Canada, the NB Wildlife Trust Fund, Delta Waterfowl, J&J Hicks Brothers Renovations, Bass Pro Shops, Matt’s Flats, the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, Canadian Wildlife Service, and the NB Enforcement Officer Association.
A great deal of work was put into this event and planning started six months before. There were over 20 volunteers involved in this event from the local area and we are so thankful for the sacrifices of so many to make it a weekend to remember. Planning has already begun for the 2022 version of this event.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Ward
President, Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Youth were pre-registered on a first-come basis through a web form collecting important registration information. Our team of volunteers helped to coordinate the completion of “Heritage Day” permits through the Dieppe office of NB Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, along with the parents. We also helped to organize what the youth and parents/guardians would require for the weekend to give them the best chance to be successful.
The weekend began at the Beaubassin Research Station with an opening BBQ meal on Friday night after registration. Youth and guardians were taught lessons on safety, laws, ethics, decoy placement, calling, and waterfowl ID. They also received their “waterfowl hunting starter kits,” packed with items to help them in their hunting journey. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, each youth received 6 floating mallard decoys, a gear bag, 2 boxes of non-toxic waterfowl ammunition, 2 duck calls on a call lanyard, a waterfowl ID pamphlet, four hats, stickers, a newsletter, a portable flashlight, a magazine, poster, and pin. They were introduced to their “mentors” for the Saturday hunt and made plans for the morning hunt. At the end of the night they were sent back to their homes with a take-away breakfast and snacks for the next day.
Saturday morning they met their mentors and headed to previously prepared hunting spots. The mentors had worked very hard to scout and prepare blinds for this special day. Their hard work was rewarded with great results as every one of them harvested at least one bird, with a total of 25 migratory birds taken. All the groups returned to the Beaubassin Research Station near noon for a bird identification, a retriever demonstration, cleaning help and demonstration, and a closing pizza meal.
Sponsors for this event included the Sackville Rod and Gun Club, Ducks Unlimited Canada, the NB Wildlife Trust Fund, Delta Waterfowl, J&J Hicks Brothers Renovations, Bass Pro Shops, Matt’s Flats, the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, Canadian Wildlife Service, and the NB Enforcement Officer Association.
A great deal of work was put into this event and planning started six months before. There were over 20 volunteers involved in this event from the local area and we are so thankful for the sacrifices of so many to make it a weekend to remember. Planning has already begun for the 2022 version of this event.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Ward
President, Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Southeast NB Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt
Web Form - REGISTRATION LINK - forms.gle/BZ43togVxP3YwnPz5
As promised, here's the poster for our much anticipated SENB Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt!
Registration will begin on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 at 9AM through the link above. Registration will be on a first-come basis and all registrants will be contacted to confirm. A waiting list will be maintained.
12 Youth (ages 12-17 inclusively) will be registered for this event. Youth will be required to obtain a "Waterfowlers Heritage Day" permit from NB DNRED prior to the event. Youth must have successfully completed a provincial hunter's safety course prior to the event. Registrants should have their NB Outdoor Cards for both youth and adults ready to complete the registration form.
The waterfowl workshop will begin on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 5pm at the Beaubassin Research Centre for a BBQ and important training (laws, safety, ethics, and waterfowl hunting). This is mandatory training for all participants. All youth will receive a "waterfowl hunting starter kit" with such things as decoys, calls, lanyards, hats, etc.
Saturday morning (Heritage Day) the youth and their parent/guardian will gather and head out with their mentors to a prepared hunting spot for a morning of waterfowl hunting! 2 boxes of non-toxic ammunition will be provided for each participant. Youth will return to the Beaubassin Research Centre around 11am for harvest survey, additional training, and a closing meal.
Any questions can be sent to Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
We are able to make this event free of cost for participants because of the generosity of our volunteers and sponsors. Thank you for supporting the Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
- Important notes:
- All youth must be accompanied at the event by a parent/guardian
- Includes meals Friday night and Saturday breakfast (to go) and lunch
- COVID restrictions as required by NB at the time of the event
As promised, here's the poster for our much anticipated SENB Youth Waterfowl Workshop and Mentored Hunt!
Registration will begin on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 at 9AM through the link above. Registration will be on a first-come basis and all registrants will be contacted to confirm. A waiting list will be maintained.
12 Youth (ages 12-17 inclusively) will be registered for this event. Youth will be required to obtain a "Waterfowlers Heritage Day" permit from NB DNRED prior to the event. Youth must have successfully completed a provincial hunter's safety course prior to the event. Registrants should have their NB Outdoor Cards for both youth and adults ready to complete the registration form.
The waterfowl workshop will begin on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 5pm at the Beaubassin Research Centre for a BBQ and important training (laws, safety, ethics, and waterfowl hunting). This is mandatory training for all participants. All youth will receive a "waterfowl hunting starter kit" with such things as decoys, calls, lanyards, hats, etc.
Saturday morning (Heritage Day) the youth and their parent/guardian will gather and head out with their mentors to a prepared hunting spot for a morning of waterfowl hunting! 2 boxes of non-toxic ammunition will be provided for each participant. Youth will return to the Beaubassin Research Centre around 11am for harvest survey, additional training, and a closing meal.
Any questions can be sent to Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
We are able to make this event free of cost for participants because of the generosity of our volunteers and sponsors. Thank you for supporting the Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
- Important notes:
- All youth must be accompanied at the event by a parent/guardian
- Includes meals Friday night and Saturday breakfast (to go) and lunch
- COVID restrictions as required by NB at the time of the event
Sackville Rod and Gun Club Clay Bird Shotgun Shoot - Sackville Fall Fair
Date and time - Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 10am-12:30pm.
Location - 32 Landing Road, Sackville NB
Description and details:
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club will be holding our annual clay bird shotgun shoot as part of the fall fair. This shoot is open to both members and the public. There will be trained instructors available to help out people who need a little extra help or haven’t used a gun before.
Location - 32 Landing Road, Sackville NB
Description and details:
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club will be holding our annual clay bird shotgun shoot as part of the fall fair. This shoot is open to both members and the public. There will be trained instructors available to help out people who need a little extra help or haven’t used a gun before.
- Members will pay $4 and will supply their own ammunition.
- Non-members will pay $8 if they have their own ammo and $15 if they need everything supplied.
- Cash prizes will be awarded for the top three finishers ($30, $20, $10).
- Eye and hearing protection are mandatory.
- Insect repellent and a folding chair may be helpful.
SRGC Youth Fishing Derby 2021
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held their annual youth fishing derby on Saturday, June 5th at 17 Forks Road in Upper Sackville. This year's event was hosted by the Travis Smart Family at their private pond. There were 48 fishers registered with a total of 37 fish caught. 20 fishers caught at least one fish. The event was broken into a two separate sessions because of COVID protocols.
The morning session major prize winners were:
- Largest fish: Aiden Habourne - 14.5"
- 2nd largest fish: Oliver Allen - 14"
- 3rd largest fish: Cole Phinney - 13.5"
- Longest string of fish: Austin Smith - 49.5"
- 2nd longest string of fish: Eric Smith - 34"
- 3rd longest string of fish: Trapper Jones - 33.5"
Prizes were given to our youngest fishers - Watson Smart and Mason Allen
In the afternoon session winners were:
- Largest fish: Zachary Steeves - 12.5"
- Longest string of fish: Rheed Wheaton - 48.5"
Prizes were given to our youngest fishers - Lauren Doncaster and Jurney Morice
Mid-way during both sessions the youth received a snack of juice and chips. Each fisher received a small prize package for participation.
I would like to extend a thank you to the Travis Smart family for hosting the fish derby this year. I also thank Tantramar Electric and 9ONE1 Woodworking for donations towards the event. I also want to thank all of the volunteers for their help. Without you the event would not have been possible. Again a big thank you. As you all know, with COVID-19 this event may not have taken place, but we were able to make it happen by following the strict COVID guildelines.
This event is for the children, so a big thank you to all of the children who took part.
Paul Branscome, Fish committee chairman
The morning session major prize winners were:
- Largest fish: Aiden Habourne - 14.5"
- 2nd largest fish: Oliver Allen - 14"
- 3rd largest fish: Cole Phinney - 13.5"
- Longest string of fish: Austin Smith - 49.5"
- 2nd longest string of fish: Eric Smith - 34"
- 3rd longest string of fish: Trapper Jones - 33.5"
Prizes were given to our youngest fishers - Watson Smart and Mason Allen
In the afternoon session winners were:
- Largest fish: Zachary Steeves - 12.5"
- Longest string of fish: Rheed Wheaton - 48.5"
Prizes were given to our youngest fishers - Lauren Doncaster and Jurney Morice
Mid-way during both sessions the youth received a snack of juice and chips. Each fisher received a small prize package for participation.
I would like to extend a thank you to the Travis Smart family for hosting the fish derby this year. I also thank Tantramar Electric and 9ONE1 Woodworking for donations towards the event. I also want to thank all of the volunteers for their help. Without you the event would not have been possible. Again a big thank you. As you all know, with COVID-19 this event may not have taken place, but we were able to make it happen by following the strict COVID guildelines.
This event is for the children, so a big thank you to all of the children who took part.
Paul Branscome, Fish committee chairman
Range Safety Day with 1st Tantramar Scouts
Volunteers from the Sackville Rod and Gun Club held a Range Safety Day for the 1st Tantramar Scouts on Saturday, May 29 at the Walker Road Range.
Certified instructors delivered safety training and all participants were offered to handle and fire several models of rimfire rifles with oversight of our range officers.
Thanks to all the volunteers, and thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Certified instructors delivered safety training and all participants were offered to handle and fire several models of rimfire rifles with oversight of our range officers.
Thanks to all the volunteers, and thanks for supporting your Sackville Rod and Gun Club
!!Larry's Gulch Trip Auction - Sealed Bid - Details Below!!
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is selling a trip for two to the world-renowned Larry’s Gulch Lodge near Kedgwick, NB, on the world-renowned Restigouche River via sealed bid auction.
This trip includes 3 days and 2 nights on June 7,8,9, 2021, with fishing, accommodations, meals, and guide. In the dining room overlooking the river, enjoy full, home-cooked meals, including local specialties such as salmon and fiddleheads.
Canadian dignitaries, American presidents, Hollywood celebrities, and professional athletes have all fished the Restigouche River. The biggest fish ever caught on the river was over 70 lbs, and guests of Larry’s Gulch have landed 40-pounders. Fish 5 miles of Larry’s Gulch reserved waters while being entertained by the local stories and down-home humour of their exceptional guides.
The trip includes two (2) separate rod packages for two anglers who must be NB residents. The anglers can each have their own cabin/room or choose to share one if they are in the same steady 15 bubble. They will each have their own boat and guide for the duration of the trip. Guests can choose to bring their own tackle or be equipped by the lodge.
Further information about the Lodge and trip may be found at www.larrysgulch.ca
(Not included – Atlantic Salmon fishing license, tips, and alcoholic beverages)
This trip would normally have a value of more than $2000.00 plus taxes.
We will be selling this trip by sealed bid. Interested bidders may send their bids to:
Larry’s Gulch Trip
C/O Sackville Rod and Gun Club
32 Landing Road
Sackville NB
E4L 4S7
**Be sure to include your bid along with a phone number and email address so we can reach you**
All bids must be received on or before May 5, 2021. They will be opened on the evening of May 5, and the successful bid will be announced and awarded at our May meeting (7pm). Sealed bids may also be dropped off in person at one of our club events, including the night of the May meeting.
In the event pandemic restrictions force the cancellation of our May meeting, we will still open the bids that night at 7pm.
This is a fundraising auction so please give generously! Thank you for supporting the Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
This trip includes 3 days and 2 nights on June 7,8,9, 2021, with fishing, accommodations, meals, and guide. In the dining room overlooking the river, enjoy full, home-cooked meals, including local specialties such as salmon and fiddleheads.
Canadian dignitaries, American presidents, Hollywood celebrities, and professional athletes have all fished the Restigouche River. The biggest fish ever caught on the river was over 70 lbs, and guests of Larry’s Gulch have landed 40-pounders. Fish 5 miles of Larry’s Gulch reserved waters while being entertained by the local stories and down-home humour of their exceptional guides.
The trip includes two (2) separate rod packages for two anglers who must be NB residents. The anglers can each have their own cabin/room or choose to share one if they are in the same steady 15 bubble. They will each have their own boat and guide for the duration of the trip. Guests can choose to bring their own tackle or be equipped by the lodge.
Further information about the Lodge and trip may be found at www.larrysgulch.ca
(Not included – Atlantic Salmon fishing license, tips, and alcoholic beverages)
This trip would normally have a value of more than $2000.00 plus taxes.
We will be selling this trip by sealed bid. Interested bidders may send their bids to:
Larry’s Gulch Trip
C/O Sackville Rod and Gun Club
32 Landing Road
Sackville NB
E4L 4S7
**Be sure to include your bid along with a phone number and email address so we can reach you**
All bids must be received on or before May 5, 2021. They will be opened on the evening of May 5, and the successful bid will be announced and awarded at our May meeting (7pm). Sealed bids may also be dropped off in person at one of our club events, including the night of the May meeting.
In the event pandemic restrictions force the cancellation of our May meeting, we will still open the bids that night at 7pm.
This is a fundraising auction so please give generously! Thank you for supporting the Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Walker Road Range Raffle - Thank you for your support!
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club Raffle was completed with much success. Thank you for your support in raising several thousand dollars towards our Walker Road Range Expansion
We are leaving this page on here now to show details about the upgrades (already in progress).
Raffle prize winners:
Our Grand Prize is a full service, guided bear hunt with Williams Outfitters - Bradley and Erin Allen
2nd prize - Killer Instinct 405 Crossbow Package (value $499.99 plus tax) - Jeremy Page
3rd prize - Bolva 40” 1080p LED Television (value $299 plus tax) - Leanne Gormley
4th prize - Blackstone Grill 1819 (value $250 plus tax) - Nevin Delaney
5th prize - Cabela’s Bighorn Fly Rod Combo (value $124.99 plus tax) - Terrance Wheaton
NB Lottery License - 1894417 56 000
We are leaving this page on here now to show details about the upgrades (already in progress).
Raffle prize winners:
Our Grand Prize is a full service, guided bear hunt with Williams Outfitters - Bradley and Erin Allen
2nd prize - Killer Instinct 405 Crossbow Package (value $499.99 plus tax) - Jeremy Page
3rd prize - Bolva 40” 1080p LED Television (value $299 plus tax) - Leanne Gormley
4th prize - Blackstone Grill 1819 (value $250 plus tax) - Nevin Delaney
5th prize - Cabela’s Bighorn Fly Rod Combo (value $124.99 plus tax) - Terrance Wheaton
NB Lottery License - 1894417 56 000
Virtual Meeting April 7 (7-8pm) - Contaminants in Brook Trout - Dr. Josh Kurek
We will be having a virtual meeting on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 from 7-8pm on the topic of "Contaminants in Brook Trout."
Dr. Josh Kurek, associate professor of environmental science at Mount Allison University has offered to give this presentation regarding a study he has recently undertaken in New Brunswick, with the help of the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund.
He has data from across the province that he feels is important to share prior to the opening of regular angling season.
You can connect to the meeting from your home computers or mobile devices at the following link:
Meeting Link
The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions. We would suggest that you test the meeting link prior to the date and when you join for the meeting that you find and use the "mute" button for the presentation.
Any questions can be directed to Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Dr. Josh Kurek, associate professor of environmental science at Mount Allison University has offered to give this presentation regarding a study he has recently undertaken in New Brunswick, with the help of the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund.
He has data from across the province that he feels is important to share prior to the opening of regular angling season.
You can connect to the meeting from your home computers or mobile devices at the following link:
Meeting Link
The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions. We would suggest that you test the meeting link prior to the date and when you join for the meeting that you find and use the "mute" button for the presentation.
Any questions can be directed to Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Walker Road Small Bore Shoot Results - March 28, 2021
We had a great day at our small bore shoot with 28 people attending including the NB Minister of Natural Resources Mike Holland! Here he is shown with two of our younger shooters on this day, who outshot many of the adults in the bench rested class. The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is dedicated to passing on our outdoor traditions to the next generation.
We had shooters compete in four separate classes for cash prizes. Shooting was offhand (standing) for three classes from 20m and bench rested at 25m. Results were as follows:
Open sight: Jim Miller 1st, Jaden Barney 2nd, Robbie Smith 3rd.
Peep sight: Robbie Smith 1st, Mark Bowser 2nd, Jim Miller 3rd.
Scope sight: Tory Hicks 1st, Robbie Smith 2nd, Jim Miller 3rd
Bench rested: Robbie Smith 1st, Kevin Davidson and Craig Smith tied for 2nd
Thanks to all participants and volunteers on this great day!
We had shooters compete in four separate classes for cash prizes. Shooting was offhand (standing) for three classes from 20m and bench rested at 25m. Results were as follows:
Open sight: Jim Miller 1st, Jaden Barney 2nd, Robbie Smith 3rd.
Peep sight: Robbie Smith 1st, Mark Bowser 2nd, Jim Miller 3rd.
Scope sight: Tory Hicks 1st, Robbie Smith 2nd, Jim Miller 3rd
Bench rested: Robbie Smith 1st, Kevin Davidson and Craig Smith tied for 2nd
Thanks to all participants and volunteers on this great day!
Walker Road Big Bore Shoot Results - March 7, 2021
We had a great day at the Walker Road Range on Sunday, March 7, 2021. Despite COVID restrictions including social distancing, the shoot was well attended and we had great weather.
In all, we had 16 shooters and 22 people attended in total including our volunteers and some observers. Shots were taken in the standing offhand position. Thanks to all who attended and special thanks to all who worked hard to help with the event.
Our winners were Jim Miller (1st), Mark Bowser (2nd), and Tory Hicks (3rd) - right to left in the picture.
A number of raffle tickets were bought to support our Walker Road Range Expansion.
The range is in good shape for members so if you're looking to practice before our next shoot (Small bore shoot- March 28), the snow is packed down pretty well and the backboards were replaced on the morning of the shoot.
In all, we had 16 shooters and 22 people attended in total including our volunteers and some observers. Shots were taken in the standing offhand position. Thanks to all who attended and special thanks to all who worked hard to help with the event.
Our winners were Jim Miller (1st), Mark Bowser (2nd), and Tory Hicks (3rd) - right to left in the picture.
A number of raffle tickets were bought to support our Walker Road Range Expansion.
The range is in good shape for members so if you're looking to practice before our next shoot (Small bore shoot- March 28), the snow is packed down pretty well and the backboards were replaced on the morning of the shoot.
Annual Meeting and Election March 24, 2021
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club met for our annual meeting and election on March 24, 2021 at the Main Street Baptist Church. At the election the members chose the following executive for a term that will end on December 31, 2022:
1st Vice President - Paul Branscombe
2nd Vice President - Robbie Smith
Secretary - Sean Gormley
Director - Roger Estabrooks
The club would like to sincerely thank Darlene Turner for her years of service as club secretary.
1st Vice President - Paul Branscombe
2nd Vice President - Robbie Smith
Secretary - Sean Gormley
Director - Roger Estabrooks
The club would like to sincerely thank Darlene Turner for her years of service as club secretary.
Walker Road Range Shoot Upcoming - Small Bore - March 28, 2021
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding the following shooting contest at the Walker Road Range
- Small Bore Shoot - Sunday, March 28, 2021 from 1:30-4pm
This target shoot will involve firing THREE shots at a single "rabbit" target. The target has points assigned for each spot that is hit.
22 calibre rimfire and smaller rifles will be permitted. There will be categories for:
Open sights - 20 meters
Peep sights - 20 meters
Scopes - 20 meters
Bench Rest - 25 meters
All shooting positions will be from a standing unsupported (offhand) position with the exception of bench rest. Entry fee will be $2 per class (non-members will add $5 on for the day - not each class)
These events are open to members and the public. COVID restrictions will apply - social distancing enforced with community masks mandatory when not able to distance, and shared items must be sanitized between users. An attendance sheet will be kept for contact tracing if required.
Memberships and raffle tickets are available for purchase at the contest.
If you have any questions, please contact Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
- Small Bore Shoot - Sunday, March 28, 2021 from 1:30-4pm
This target shoot will involve firing THREE shots at a single "rabbit" target. The target has points assigned for each spot that is hit.
22 calibre rimfire and smaller rifles will be permitted. There will be categories for:
Open sights - 20 meters
Peep sights - 20 meters
Scopes - 20 meters
Bench Rest - 25 meters
All shooting positions will be from a standing unsupported (offhand) position with the exception of bench rest. Entry fee will be $2 per class (non-members will add $5 on for the day - not each class)
These events are open to members and the public. COVID restrictions will apply - social distancing enforced with community masks mandatory when not able to distance, and shared items must be sanitized between users. An attendance sheet will be kept for contact tracing if required.
Memberships and raffle tickets are available for purchase at the contest.
If you have any questions, please contact Wayne at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
Youth Ice Fishing Event at Silver Lake - February 20, 2021
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held their second annual Ice Fishing day at Silver Lake on Saturday, February 20, 2021. Things looked different this year, but it was a great day with lots of smiles (even if many were covered by masks).
Because of restrictions from COVID-19, we held two separate groups, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Fishing was restricted to household and steady-10 bubbles, social distancing was required, and the BBQ and warming tent was unable to be held to keep everyone safe.
In all, we hosted 40 children split between the two groups along with their parents. Equipment and bait were provided, and volunteers helped to drill the holes and teach the kids about technique. Weather varied through the day from -8 to -5 with a bit of light wind and some light snow at times. In all, two brook trout were caught, both in the afternoon group from two different ends of our area. 7-year old Alec Snowdon caught the biggest trout of the day, with one nearly 12" long and quite thick.
For most of the kids this was their first experience ice fishing, but many said it would not be their last. One mother said that her son had been struggling through COVID, with restrictions on activities and social interaction. She said for the first time in a long time, the ice fishing event made him smile and his excited chatter made her feel like she had her son back to normal. They didn’t catch any fish with us but were talking of investing in equipment as they left for the day.
Thanks go out to all our volunteers and for the help and sponsorship of Walter Read Landscaping to help make this event such a success! Plans are already underway for our annual youth spring fishing derby which will be held on June 5, 2021. This fishing event, hosted since 1993, is the first fishing experience for many of the area’s youth. It also will likely look a little different this year, but the smiles will make it worth the effort.
NB Department of Public safety came out to check on the event and were pleased with our precautions. Interestingly, one of the officers was supported several years ago by one of the club education bursaries that we give out to Tantramar High School students, and he thanked us for what we do in the community. The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is passionate about working with youth in the area, making a difference and sharing our passion for the outdoors with the next generation.
If anyone is interested in finding out more about joining or supporting the club, please reach out to Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca or follow us on Facebook or www.sackvillerodandgun.ca
Because of restrictions from COVID-19, we held two separate groups, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Fishing was restricted to household and steady-10 bubbles, social distancing was required, and the BBQ and warming tent was unable to be held to keep everyone safe.
In all, we hosted 40 children split between the two groups along with their parents. Equipment and bait were provided, and volunteers helped to drill the holes and teach the kids about technique. Weather varied through the day from -8 to -5 with a bit of light wind and some light snow at times. In all, two brook trout were caught, both in the afternoon group from two different ends of our area. 7-year old Alec Snowdon caught the biggest trout of the day, with one nearly 12" long and quite thick.
For most of the kids this was their first experience ice fishing, but many said it would not be their last. One mother said that her son had been struggling through COVID, with restrictions on activities and social interaction. She said for the first time in a long time, the ice fishing event made him smile and his excited chatter made her feel like she had her son back to normal. They didn’t catch any fish with us but were talking of investing in equipment as they left for the day.
Thanks go out to all our volunteers and for the help and sponsorship of Walter Read Landscaping to help make this event such a success! Plans are already underway for our annual youth spring fishing derby which will be held on June 5, 2021. This fishing event, hosted since 1993, is the first fishing experience for many of the area’s youth. It also will likely look a little different this year, but the smiles will make it worth the effort.
NB Department of Public safety came out to check on the event and were pleased with our precautions. Interestingly, one of the officers was supported several years ago by one of the club education bursaries that we give out to Tantramar High School students, and he thanked us for what we do in the community. The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is passionate about working with youth in the area, making a difference and sharing our passion for the outdoors with the next generation.
If anyone is interested in finding out more about joining or supporting the club, please reach out to Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca or follow us on Facebook or www.sackvillerodandgun.ca
Second Annual Ice Fishing Derby - Registration Open
UPDATE: Because of phenomenal interest we are going to add a second event in the afternoon! Register soon to book your spot!
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club are holding an ice fishing day at Silver Lake (Morice Pond) on Saturday, February 20, 2021.
The event will be held between 9-11am for the first group and a second group at 1-3 pm at no cost to participants. Participants can park and meet us at the Lillas Fawcett Park and we will leave from there.
Residents under the age of 16 can fish for Brook trout without needing to purchase a license. Also, from changes to the provincial fishing laws, anyone 16 and older who purchased their regular angling license this year can ice fish for no cost. So many parents may wish to try their hand at fishing with us.
We will pre-register up to 20 children in each group between the ages of 5 and 15 to come and spend this time with us learning about ice fishing. We will provide the equipment and bait for these children to ice fish this event.
Participants are encouraged to dress according to the weather, and layers are recommended. Parents are asked to accompany their children if they are under 13, and are encouraged to stay with the older children as well.
Because of COVID, groups around one hole will need to be part of the same family or "steady 10" bubble. You must pre-register and attendance will be kept. Rods should not be shared and will be sanitized between users. Masks are encouraged, and mandatory when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Maximum attendance of 50 including volunteers and parents will be maintained. There will NOT be a warming tent or refreshments this year.
To register, please call Paul and Shirley Branscombe at 506-536-3539
This event will be subject to ice and weather conditions as safety is a primary consideration for us. It will also be cancelled in the event our zone returns to "red" level COVID restrictions. Any cancellations will be communicated through our social media, email, and website.
Anyone interested in volunteering or providing gear for the event can contact Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca or 506-364-3890
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club are holding an ice fishing day at Silver Lake (Morice Pond) on Saturday, February 20, 2021.
The event will be held between 9-11am for the first group and a second group at 1-3 pm at no cost to participants. Participants can park and meet us at the Lillas Fawcett Park and we will leave from there.
Residents under the age of 16 can fish for Brook trout without needing to purchase a license. Also, from changes to the provincial fishing laws, anyone 16 and older who purchased their regular angling license this year can ice fish for no cost. So many parents may wish to try their hand at fishing with us.
We will pre-register up to 20 children in each group between the ages of 5 and 15 to come and spend this time with us learning about ice fishing. We will provide the equipment and bait for these children to ice fish this event.
Participants are encouraged to dress according to the weather, and layers are recommended. Parents are asked to accompany their children if they are under 13, and are encouraged to stay with the older children as well.
Because of COVID, groups around one hole will need to be part of the same family or "steady 10" bubble. You must pre-register and attendance will be kept. Rods should not be shared and will be sanitized between users. Masks are encouraged, and mandatory when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Maximum attendance of 50 including volunteers and parents will be maintained. There will NOT be a warming tent or refreshments this year.
To register, please call Paul and Shirley Branscombe at 506-536-3539
This event will be subject to ice and weather conditions as safety is a primary consideration for us. It will also be cancelled in the event our zone returns to "red" level COVID restrictions. Any cancellations will be communicated through our social media, email, and website.
Anyone interested in volunteering or providing gear for the event can contact Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca or 506-364-3890
Membership renewals and COVID update
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club wishes everyone a Happy New Year and a better year in 2021!
In good news, the club continues to support our community through the difficult times. On behalf of the club, donations at the end of 2020 were made to the Sackville Food Bank, the Christmas Cheer Campaign, to "Amara's Wish to Walk" and to a local family in need.
Meeting Update:
We know that 2020 was a difficult one, and we have now been plunged into RED level COVID restrictions in our health zone. This means we are not having in-person meetings until that is changed.
Walker Road Range:
The Walker Road Range is open under RED level. Members need to take all RED zone precautions (masks when social distancing is not possible and sanitizing your shooting station). You should not use it as a meeting place for others outside your single household bubble. Public Safety monitors the area because of the ATV trail so you could expect ID to be checked if there is a crowd there.
Our advice would be that if you arrive and there are others before you, you may wish to leave and return later.
Membership renewals:
We know that current restrictions can make it difficult to renew your club memberships, and restricted/prohibited members need to keep their membership current at all time. Those who are wishing to renew their memberships can mail their form and payment to the club address (32 Landing Road, Sackville), or can use our "web form" to input your information along with an e-transfer to president@sackvillerodandgun.ca (which is set for auto-deposit). Cards will be mailed within a few days to members once payment has been received.
The web form can be found at the following link:
Membership prices remain at the same level as last year, and can be renewed for up to 3 years at the following rates:
- 18+ years - $40
- 16-17 years - $25
- 15 years and under - $15
The SRGC offers a 50% discount for spouses and dependents living in the same household. The initial membership is at full price and each subsequent membership can be bought at a 50% discount.
We can also offer the purchase of "gift" memberships.
Landing Road Range Update:
After work on the Landing Road Shotgun Range, we received CFO approval in the fall to operate again. We were able to get a few weekly shoots in before cold weather and darkness shut us down for the season.
We anticipate that we will hold our regular weekly shoots in the spring again on Monday nights. COVID restrictions will apply. Thank you for everyone's work on this file.
For further information about renewal or getting involved in the club, please email president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
In good news, the club continues to support our community through the difficult times. On behalf of the club, donations at the end of 2020 were made to the Sackville Food Bank, the Christmas Cheer Campaign, to "Amara's Wish to Walk" and to a local family in need.
Meeting Update:
We know that 2020 was a difficult one, and we have now been plunged into RED level COVID restrictions in our health zone. This means we are not having in-person meetings until that is changed.
Walker Road Range:
The Walker Road Range is open under RED level. Members need to take all RED zone precautions (masks when social distancing is not possible and sanitizing your shooting station). You should not use it as a meeting place for others outside your single household bubble. Public Safety monitors the area because of the ATV trail so you could expect ID to be checked if there is a crowd there.
Our advice would be that if you arrive and there are others before you, you may wish to leave and return later.
Membership renewals:
We know that current restrictions can make it difficult to renew your club memberships, and restricted/prohibited members need to keep their membership current at all time. Those who are wishing to renew their memberships can mail their form and payment to the club address (32 Landing Road, Sackville), or can use our "web form" to input your information along with an e-transfer to president@sackvillerodandgun.ca (which is set for auto-deposit). Cards will be mailed within a few days to members once payment has been received.
The web form can be found at the following link:
Membership prices remain at the same level as last year, and can be renewed for up to 3 years at the following rates:
- 18+ years - $40
- 16-17 years - $25
- 15 years and under - $15
The SRGC offers a 50% discount for spouses and dependents living in the same household. The initial membership is at full price and each subsequent membership can be bought at a 50% discount.
We can also offer the purchase of "gift" memberships.
Landing Road Range Update:
After work on the Landing Road Shotgun Range, we received CFO approval in the fall to operate again. We were able to get a few weekly shoots in before cold weather and darkness shut us down for the season.
We anticipate that we will hold our regular weekly shoots in the spring again on Monday nights. COVID restrictions will apply. Thank you for everyone's work on this file.
For further information about renewal or getting involved in the club, please email president@sackvillerodandgun.ca
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to update the membership on what is happening in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. There are sometimes more questions than answers, but we will try to keep you informed as things develop.
- Our April 1 general meeting has been cancelled. Our speaker (John Craft) will be rescheduled to speak at a later time. A decision on our May meeting has not been made yet.
- The New Brunswick Wildlife Federation Annual General Meeting (NBWF-AGM) has been postponed. No new date has been chosen yet but we will let you know when that happens.
- The Spring Sportsman's Supper MAY need to be postponed from our April 18 date. With the schools closed, Tantramar Regional High School would not be available to us, and the current provincial state of emergency would forbid us from being able to gather. We have been in touch with the school board and a decision will be made in early April. A tremendous amount of work has already gone into our supper, and we have thousands of dollars worth of prizes purchased. Tickets would be valid for our new date... which would be as soon as we are permitted.
- Our hunter and firearms safety course scheduled for the end of April and early May has been cancelled. NB DNRED is not putting on any training courses at this time. It will be rescheduled as soon as we are able.
- The New Brunswick Sportsman Show and Fly Fishing Expo at Moncton Coliseum, scheduled to be held this coming weekend, has been cancelled.
In the interim, we are still able to renew memberships either by mail or through a Square invoice, that can be paid online with debit or credit by the renewing member. Contact "President@sackvillerodandgun.ca" for more information.
And finally, we are still looking for nominations for the club "Sportsman of the year" award. It has been awarded annually since 2014 to a member in good standing who contributes significantly to the club's objectives. Please email your nominations to Paul Branscombe at hbrany@nb.sympatico.ca prior by April 5th
If anyone has any questions about club initiatives during the COVID-19 outbreak and state of emergency, please feel free to reach out to me.
Stay safe and healthy... and we hope to see you soon!
Wayne Ward
President, Sackville Rod and Gun Club
Just a reminder that we are having our regular monthly meeting this Wednesday, March 4, at 7pm at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre.
Bruce Pollard from CWS is going to speak on the topic of eiders, and the reasons for the proposed regulatory changes to migratory bird hunting.
We will also be voting on the proposed resolutions for this year's NBWF annual general meeting, and membership renewals will be available. Plan to join us!
Bruce Pollard from CWS is going to speak on the topic of eiders, and the reasons for the proposed regulatory changes to migratory bird hunting.
We will also be voting on the proposed resolutions for this year's NBWF annual general meeting, and membership renewals will be available. Plan to join us!
Muzzleloader Event planned for May 2
The Club is looking to run a few special shoots this year, to introduce our members to topics they may never have tried.
The first event, an introduction to muzzleloaders, is being planned for the Walker Road Range on May 2nd. Participants will get to learn about muzzleloaders, safe handling and storage, and get to try some out.
More details will be posted when finalized.
If you have a muzzleloader and might be interested in helping with this, please message, email, or call Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca (506-364-3890).
If you think you might be interested in attending this event, please comment below!
Thanks for your support of the Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
The first event, an introduction to muzzleloaders, is being planned for the Walker Road Range on May 2nd. Participants will get to learn about muzzleloaders, safe handling and storage, and get to try some out.
More details will be posted when finalized.
If you have a muzzleloader and might be interested in helping with this, please message, email, or call Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca (506-364-3890).
If you think you might be interested in attending this event, please comment below!
Thanks for your support of the Sackville Rod and Gun Club!
Hunter and Firearms Safety Course Scheduled for April/May 2020
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding a hunter/firearms safety course on April 29, 30, May 4, 5, and 7th at Main Street Baptist Church (20 Main Street).
Participants MUST preregister and prepay through DNR Dieppe. You can pay over the phone with credit card. The course will fill quickly so call soon! 506-856-2344.
Participants MUST preregister and prepay through DNR Dieppe. You can pay over the phone with credit card. The course will fill quickly so call soon! 506-856-2344.
Sackville Rod and Gun Holds Ice Fishing Event at Silver Lake
We had a great time at our Fish NB Ice Fishing Event at Silver Lake on February 15! Even with cold temperatures there wasn't any wind and we had a great crowd of over 30 kids and over 60 people in all!
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped to drill holes, prepare the rods and rigs, and provided refreshments! We had chili, hot dogs, chips, lemon and orange breads and lots of hot chocolate!
Thanks for supporting this great event and we look forward to the next one! Watch for a full article and more pictures in the coming days.
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped to drill holes, prepare the rods and rigs, and provided refreshments! We had chili, hot dogs, chips, lemon and orange breads and lots of hot chocolate!
Thanks for supporting this great event and we look forward to the next one! Watch for a full article and more pictures in the coming days.
Minister Holland shares Letter to Federal Minister Bill Blair
I wanted to share the letter (Below) that Mike Holland, the NB Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development has sent to Bill Blair in regards to upcoming government changes to firearms legislation.
Mike was our speaker at the February meeting and is a passionate outdoorsman.
As has been shared, there is currently an e-petition (open until February 15) that asks for any changes to firearms law be done through legislation rather than an "Order in Council." This has become the largest petition in House of Commons history because of how many people this will affect.
Please examine the letter and consider signing the petition:
Mike was our speaker at the February meeting and is a passionate outdoorsman.
As has been shared, there is currently an e-petition (open until February 15) that asks for any changes to firearms law be done through legislation rather than an "Order in Council." This has become the largest petition in House of Commons history because of how many people this will affect.
Please examine the letter and consider signing the petition:
Becoming an Outdoors Woman Club Sponsorship Winners
Becoming an Outdoors Woman Club Sponsorship Winners
After the draw at our Wednesday night meeting we are glad to announce the winners of our "Becoming an Outdoors Woman" sponsorship. Mindy Gallant and Kimberley O'Brien are the winners this year! Congratulations!
I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. I have sent an email with some details to you and will forward further details about registration as they become available
I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. I have sent an email with some details to you and will forward further details about registration as they become available
Just a reminder that because of the storm in January, we now have Mike Holland, the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy to speak at our February 5 meeting. You will not want to miss this meeting. Come on out to the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Center at 7pm on Wednesday, February 5!
Membership renewals can also be done that night with options for debit and credit payments.
After the speaker, we will be looking at some of the NBWF resolutions that will be considered at their April AGM. Winners of our BOW sponsorship will be announced, and we will finalize our plans for the Ice Fishing Event on family day weekend! Hope to see you there!
Membership renewals can also be done that night with options for debit and credit payments.
After the speaker, we will be looking at some of the NBWF resolutions that will be considered at their April AGM. Winners of our BOW sponsorship will be announced, and we will finalize our plans for the Ice Fishing Event on family day weekend! Hope to see you there!
The Canadian Wildlife Service is launching public consultations on proposed changes to the migratory game bird hunting regulations in Canada for the next two hunting seasons (2020-2021 and 2021-2022).
You will find a link below to the consultation document that outlines the proposed changes (“Proposals to amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations – December 2019”). The consultation period is from January 18, 2020 to February 16, 2020.
Comments can be submitted at the following address:
These documents are available at :
Proposals to amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations – December 2019
You will find a link below to the consultation document that outlines the proposed changes (“Proposals to amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations – December 2019”). The consultation period is from January 18, 2020 to February 16, 2020.
Comments can be submitted at the following address:
These documents are available at :
Proposals to amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations – December 2019
Our club sponsors two women to the "Becoming an Outdoor Woman" (BOW) program that is run by the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation. (Cost is $250) The program is at Greenhill Lake Camp on the weekend of June 5-7, 2020
This year we are asking all women that are interested in being sponsored to email president@sackvillerodandgun.ca and express your interest.
Those we sponsor must be members in good standing. Preference will be given to women who have never been sponsored before. The deadline to apply is February 1st and we will choose the winners by draw.
You can find out more about this great program at https://nbwildlifefederation.org/programs/bow/
For any ladies considering applying for the NBWF BOW (Becoming an Outdoor Woman) program, here's a great summary of what you might expect, written by a member of the Moncton Fish and Game Club! - https://www.monctonfishandgame.com/mfgablog/what-to-expect-from-becoming-an-outdoors-woman-in-nb-part-1
This year we are asking all women that are interested in being sponsored to email president@sackvillerodandgun.ca and express your interest.
Those we sponsor must be members in good standing. Preference will be given to women who have never been sponsored before. The deadline to apply is February 1st and we will choose the winners by draw.
You can find out more about this great program at https://nbwildlifefederation.org/programs/bow/
For any ladies considering applying for the NBWF BOW (Becoming an Outdoor Woman) program, here's a great summary of what you might expect, written by a member of the Moncton Fish and Game Club! - https://www.monctonfishandgame.com/mfgablog/what-to-expect-from-becoming-an-outdoors-woman-in-nb-part-1
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club are holding an ice fishing day at Silver Lake (Morice Pond) on Saturday, February 15, 2020. The event will be held between 9-11am at no cost to participants. Participants can park and meet us at the Lillas Fawcett Park and we will leave from there.
That weekend is part of the Winter “Fish NB Days” (Feb 15-17) where both resident and non-resident anglers can fish without a license or guide.
We will pre-register up to 15 children between the ages of 5 and 15 to come and spend this time with us learning about ice fishing. We will provide the equipment and bait for these children to ice fish this event. Hot chocolate and refreshments will also be provided. Participants are encouraged to dress according to the weather, and layers are recommended. Parents are asked to accompany their children if they are under 13, and are encouraged to stay with the older children as well. They can even try their hand at ice fishing.
To register, please call Paul and Shirley Branscombe at 506-536-3539
This event will be subject to ice and weather conditions as safety is a primary consideration for us. Any cancellations will be communicated through our social media, email, and website.
Outside of these 15 children and their parents, we would encourage other club members and guests to grab their own gear and enjoy this event with us. As long as people have their own gear there is no limit for others to come and give ice fishing a try!
Anyone interested in volunteering or providing gear for the event can contact Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca or 506-364-3890
That weekend is part of the Winter “Fish NB Days” (Feb 15-17) where both resident and non-resident anglers can fish without a license or guide.
We will pre-register up to 15 children between the ages of 5 and 15 to come and spend this time with us learning about ice fishing. We will provide the equipment and bait for these children to ice fish this event. Hot chocolate and refreshments will also be provided. Participants are encouraged to dress according to the weather, and layers are recommended. Parents are asked to accompany their children if they are under 13, and are encouraged to stay with the older children as well. They can even try their hand at ice fishing.
To register, please call Paul and Shirley Branscombe at 506-536-3539
This event will be subject to ice and weather conditions as safety is a primary consideration for us. Any cancellations will be communicated through our social media, email, and website.
Outside of these 15 children and their parents, we would encourage other club members and guests to grab their own gear and enjoy this event with us. As long as people have their own gear there is no limit for others to come and give ice fishing a try!
Anyone interested in volunteering or providing gear for the event can contact Wayne Ward at president@sackvillerodandgun.ca or 506-364-3890
Sackville Rod and Gun Club Gives Back to Community
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club has continued to show that they are about more than fishing and hunting, with some large contributions to local programs. As approved at the December meeting, the club made donations to the local Food Bank ($500), the Christmas Cheer campaign ($1000), and our annual contribution to the Tantramar Scouts program ($1000). Members give back to the community through these gifts and others, showing thankfulness for the great community support we receive.
The contribution to the local chapter of Scouts Canada continues a partnership that we’ve made with them over the past several years. Members have tried to get involved in their programming and contribute financially, and in return the Scouts have helped us with activities such as our annual highway cleanup and bussing tables at our Spring Sportsman’s Supper.
The 1st Tantramar Scouts chapter offers programming for boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 14 years old. They meet weekly on Monday nights. Those looking for further information about their programming can contact Janet Ward at 379-2483
Our Sportsman’s Supper, being held at TRHS on April 18th, 2020, is our biggest fundraiser of the year. It helps to fund operations of the club and allows us to support other community groups and activities. The club appreciates donations and contributions from many area businesses that have enabled us to hold this popular event.
Founded in 1979, the Sackville Rod and Gun Club is well-known for their annual youth fishing derby, held each year in early June. The event has been held for many years in Rockport, where a local pond is stocked with 10-12” trout. Youth between the ages of 5 and 15 are able to fish for the day, and receive great prizes and giveaways, along with a free BBQ sponsored by the New Brunswick Enforcement Officers Association.
Volunteers in our club are the ones who deliver the conservation education courses in our region, providing vital safety training to new hunters in the Sackville area. Courses typically are held twice a year, in the spring and fall. The club has been regularly recognized by the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, the voice for anglers and hunters in the province, for our work with youth.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at the meeting room in the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Center, at 7pm, with a guest speaker at every meeting. The guest speaker for our January 8th meeting is the Mike Holland, the NB Minister of Natural Resources and Energy. Members and the public are welcome to attend, and we expect a big crowd for this one.
Those looking to renew their membership can do so at the meeting, where credit and debit payment options are available. Annual adult memberships in the club can be purchased for as low as $40, with discounts available for children and families.
If you are unable to make it to one of our meetings you may print off the registration form at our website and contact us, or drop it of at NAPA in Sackville where a card will be left for you afterwards.
The contribution to the local chapter of Scouts Canada continues a partnership that we’ve made with them over the past several years. Members have tried to get involved in their programming and contribute financially, and in return the Scouts have helped us with activities such as our annual highway cleanup and bussing tables at our Spring Sportsman’s Supper.
The 1st Tantramar Scouts chapter offers programming for boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 14 years old. They meet weekly on Monday nights. Those looking for further information about their programming can contact Janet Ward at 379-2483
Our Sportsman’s Supper, being held at TRHS on April 18th, 2020, is our biggest fundraiser of the year. It helps to fund operations of the club and allows us to support other community groups and activities. The club appreciates donations and contributions from many area businesses that have enabled us to hold this popular event.
Founded in 1979, the Sackville Rod and Gun Club is well-known for their annual youth fishing derby, held each year in early June. The event has been held for many years in Rockport, where a local pond is stocked with 10-12” trout. Youth between the ages of 5 and 15 are able to fish for the day, and receive great prizes and giveaways, along with a free BBQ sponsored by the New Brunswick Enforcement Officers Association.
Volunteers in our club are the ones who deliver the conservation education courses in our region, providing vital safety training to new hunters in the Sackville area. Courses typically are held twice a year, in the spring and fall. The club has been regularly recognized by the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, the voice for anglers and hunters in the province, for our work with youth.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at the meeting room in the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Center, at 7pm, with a guest speaker at every meeting. The guest speaker for our January 8th meeting is the Mike Holland, the NB Minister of Natural Resources and Energy. Members and the public are welcome to attend, and we expect a big crowd for this one.
Those looking to renew their membership can do so at the meeting, where credit and debit payment options are available. Annual adult memberships in the club can be purchased for as low as $40, with discounts available for children and families.
If you are unable to make it to one of our meetings you may print off the registration form at our website and contact us, or drop it of at NAPA in Sackville where a card will be left for you afterwards.

Sackville Rod & Gun Club awarded most active branch at NBWF AGM
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club attended the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation's 2019 Annual General Meeting hosted by the member clubs of St. Leonard, St. Andre, and Salmon River in Grand Falls. The SRGC was presented the Frank Wilson Memorial Award for Promotion of Youth Activities, as well as the most active branch in the province for the 2018 year. The meetings also allowed delegates from the club to network with like minded clubs and associations.
Thank you to all executives, members, volunteers and supporters for allowing the club to be heavily involved within both the Sackville community and the province of New Brunswick as a whole! As well a big thanks to all of the host volunteers for putting on an excellent AGM.
The SRGC annual report to the NBWF is available below for reading.
Thank you to all executives, members, volunteers and supporters for allowing the club to be heavily involved within both the Sackville community and the province of New Brunswick as a whole! As well a big thanks to all of the host volunteers for putting on an excellent AGM.
The SRGC annual report to the NBWF is available below for reading.
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John Massey named club's 2018 Outdoorsman of the Year
The 2018 Outdoorsman of the Year was awarded to John Massey. It is given annually to an individual who best exemplifies the Sackville Rod and Gun Club’s values of promoting fish and wildlife conservation, introducing and encouraging youth to get involved in outdoor activities, and promoting shooting sports.
John has been involved in the clubs activities since the 1980’s, being very active in the club’s shotgun and rifle shooting activities, always taking extra time to introduce new shooters, both young and old to the sports. He has been an organizer, judge and photographer for the club’s annual youth fishing derby since its early beginnings and has secured major corporate sponsors for the event and continues to be actively involved. A range safety officer for shooting competitions, he is key to the organization of the club’s annual Fall fair clay bird shooting competition, where many handle firearms for their very first time. He has represented the club at national focus groups on hunting issues and also has helped organize Ducks Unlimited fundraisers in several provinces. John has been a member of the club’s annual supper committee, and easily finds sponsors for the event by promoting the clubs goals in a manner that makes all want to support us.
John has been involved in the clubs activities since the 1980’s, being very active in the club’s shotgun and rifle shooting activities, always taking extra time to introduce new shooters, both young and old to the sports. He has been an organizer, judge and photographer for the club’s annual youth fishing derby since its early beginnings and has secured major corporate sponsors for the event and continues to be actively involved. A range safety officer for shooting competitions, he is key to the organization of the club’s annual Fall fair clay bird shooting competition, where many handle firearms for their very first time. He has represented the club at national focus groups on hunting issues and also has helped organize Ducks Unlimited fundraisers in several provinces. John has been a member of the club’s annual supper committee, and easily finds sponsors for the event by promoting the clubs goals in a manner that makes all want to support us.
2019 Spring Sportsman's Supper once again a success
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held its annual Sportsman’s Supper on Saturday April 6, at Tantramar Regional High School. The supper was a sell out in a new location and included the presence of the minister of Energy and Resource Development, Mike Holland. The Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochran opened the event, which was followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Patterson's.
Throughout the evening a variety of auctions were held. Prizes included a mini-fridge, fishing equipment, ladder stand, two Remington rifles, and jewelry. In all more than 70 items were won. The Silent auction offered items ranging from trail cameras, hunting clothes, predator calls, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, iron works and a ground blind. The live auction included binoculars, turkey hunting kit, a chocolate cake, shadow box flies, several Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Gauvin Goldsmithing, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Mary MacLean, Ray Chocran, John Massey, Dannie Thompson, Carolyn Carmichael, Studio on the Marsh, Granant Construction, ProNature Miramichi, Ultramar, and the N.B. Salmon Council. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the supper planning committee, especially Craig Smith and Roger Estabrooks, as well as all of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club members and their partners who helped to prepare such a great event.
Throughout the evening a variety of auctions were held. Prizes included a mini-fridge, fishing equipment, ladder stand, two Remington rifles, and jewelry. In all more than 70 items were won. The Silent auction offered items ranging from trail cameras, hunting clothes, predator calls, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, iron works and a ground blind. The live auction included binoculars, turkey hunting kit, a chocolate cake, shadow box flies, several Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Gauvin Goldsmithing, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Mary MacLean, Ray Chocran, John Massey, Dannie Thompson, Carolyn Carmichael, Studio on the Marsh, Granant Construction, ProNature Miramichi, Ultramar, and the N.B. Salmon Council. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the supper planning committee, especially Craig Smith and Roger Estabrooks, as well as all of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club members and their partners who helped to prepare such a great event.
The club held our Annual Big Bore Shoot this past Saturday at our Walker Road range with Terry Greene being the winner, while second place was Craig Smith and third was Wayne Ward. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck in the deer season
Sackville Rod and Gun Club to offer FS/HE
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding a Canada Firearms Safety Course and Atlantic Hunter Education Course .
The Firearm Safety (Part A) will be Mon, Wed May 7, 9 (6-10PM) with testing on Thu May. 17 (by appointment starting at 4pm).
The Hunter Education (Part B) will be Mon, Wed May 14, 16 (6-10PM) .
The Canada Firearms Safety Course is required by anyone who wishes to apply for a firearms license.
The Atlantic Hunter Education is required by anyone who is applying for their first hunting license, or was born after January 1st, 1981. This course is recognized across North America.
The course is being held in the Wetlands Centre at Tantramar Regional High School, located at 223 Main Street in Sackville, N.B.
The Wetlands Centre is located around back of the High School in the old mechanics shop.
You must be at least 11 years to attend the course.
You must pre-register by contacting the NB Department of Natural Resources in Dieppe, telephone 506-856-2344. The office is closed from 12-1:15 pm for lunch. There are limited seats available.
The cost for the entire course is:
16 years and younger- $40.00
17 years and older- $95.00
Hunter education manual-$10.50
Firearm Safety Manual-$10.50
**** For students 16 and younger the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund covers the cost of the 2 manuals. ****
On the 1st night of the course, please bring Identification (Driver's Licence or Birth Certificate). Please note that there is no outdoor footwear allowed inside the classroom, please bring slippers or warm socks.
The Firearm Safety (Part A) will be Mon, Wed May 7, 9 (6-10PM) with testing on Thu May. 17 (by appointment starting at 4pm).
The Hunter Education (Part B) will be Mon, Wed May 14, 16 (6-10PM) .
The Canada Firearms Safety Course is required by anyone who wishes to apply for a firearms license.
The Atlantic Hunter Education is required by anyone who is applying for their first hunting license, or was born after January 1st, 1981. This course is recognized across North America.
The course is being held in the Wetlands Centre at Tantramar Regional High School, located at 223 Main Street in Sackville, N.B.
The Wetlands Centre is located around back of the High School in the old mechanics shop.
You must be at least 11 years to attend the course.
You must pre-register by contacting the NB Department of Natural Resources in Dieppe, telephone 506-856-2344. The office is closed from 12-1:15 pm for lunch. There are limited seats available.
The cost for the entire course is:
16 years and younger- $40.00
17 years and older- $95.00
Hunter education manual-$10.50
Firearm Safety Manual-$10.50
**** For students 16 and younger the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund covers the cost of the 2 manuals. ****
On the 1st night of the course, please bring Identification (Driver's Licence or Birth Certificate). Please note that there is no outdoor footwear allowed inside the classroom, please bring slippers or warm socks.
Kevin Davidson Awarded 2017 Outdoorsman of the Year
The 2017 Outdoorsman of the Year Award was presented to Kevin Davidson for his tireless efforts over the previous year. Kevin has organized the guest speakers at our monthly meetings and has been our Club's delegate to the New Brunswick Salmon Council as well as their 2nd Vice President. Kevin has also been very active with the firearm safety and hunter education programs in both Sackville and Moncton areas.
Club hosts 2018 Annual Spring Sportsman's Supper
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held its annual Sportsman’s Supper on Saturday April 7, at the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre. The event was a sell out.
The Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane opened the event, which was followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Jennifer Ward.
Throughout the evening a variety of auctions were held. A door prize of binoculars were provided by Green Diamond Outfitters of Moncton. Prizes included a ladder stand, outdoor furniture, prints, Remmington .30-06 rifle, and jewelry. In all more than 70 auction items were won. The Silent auction offered items ranging from electronic game calls, cookware, custom handtied flies, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, iron works and optics equipment. The live auction included a handmade canoe box, hunting attire, a chocolate cake, a locally made apron, several Lars Larsen prints and a full expenses paid Pheasant hunting trip for two at the Marshview Outfitters pheasant preserve in Amherst.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere of Moncton, Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Canadian Tire-Amherst, The Rose's Independent Grocer of Sackville, Cranewood on Main, Studio on the Marsh, John Massey, Ray Cochran, Granant Construction, Blue Wave Energy, Coastal Inn Sackville, Dr. Paul Dubois, Craig Smith, The Apron Girl Boutique, Marshview Outfitters, Dannie Thompson, Fort Equipment Amherst, Pronature, Attune chiropractor, and ClaimsPro Saint John. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the supper planning committee, Craig Smith and Roger Estabrooks, as well as all of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
The Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane opened the event, which was followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Jennifer Ward.
Throughout the evening a variety of auctions were held. A door prize of binoculars were provided by Green Diamond Outfitters of Moncton. Prizes included a ladder stand, outdoor furniture, prints, Remmington .30-06 rifle, and jewelry. In all more than 70 auction items were won. The Silent auction offered items ranging from electronic game calls, cookware, custom handtied flies, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, iron works and optics equipment. The live auction included a handmade canoe box, hunting attire, a chocolate cake, a locally made apron, several Lars Larsen prints and a full expenses paid Pheasant hunting trip for two at the Marshview Outfitters pheasant preserve in Amherst.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere of Moncton, Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Canadian Tire-Amherst, The Rose's Independent Grocer of Sackville, Cranewood on Main, Studio on the Marsh, John Massey, Ray Cochran, Granant Construction, Blue Wave Energy, Coastal Inn Sackville, Dr. Paul Dubois, Craig Smith, The Apron Girl Boutique, Marshview Outfitters, Dannie Thompson, Fort Equipment Amherst, Pronature, Attune chiropractor, and ClaimsPro Saint John. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the supper planning committee, Craig Smith and Roger Estabrooks, as well as all of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
2017 Youth Fish Derby
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club held their annual youth fishing derby on June 3 at a privately stocked pond in Rockport. The event was attended by 64 local kids from the area, with an age range of 5 up to 15 who gave a donation to a local food bank in lieu of a a registration fee. Prizes were awarded for several categories, including youngest boy & girl and longest individual and string of fish, as well as everyone receiving fishing tackle. There was also a barbecue held and managed by members of the NB conservation officers Association. A special thanks to the supporters who donated prizes: Cabelas, NB Wildlife Trust Foundation and the NB conservation officers Association; as well as a thank you to the Independent for providing a discount for the food and the NB conservation officers Association for managing the BBQ.
Sackville Rod & Gun Club holds 3rd Annual Highway Cleanup
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club held its third annual highway clean up, removing garbage between the two Sackville exits. Over a dozen volunteers worked from 9 until noon, picking up several truckloads of garbage bags, filling an empty dumpster. There was once again a noticeable decrease in roadside waste recovered from the ditches along the 2km stretch, indicating that the previous years' clean up had removed garbage that was likely present for years and increased awareness of littering between the Sackville exits. The event was followed up with a BBQ prepared by Rodney Turner. The SRGC would like to thank all of the volunteers who came out to help and Tim Horton's for the use of their dumpster.
Upcoming 2017 Youth Fishing Derby to be held on June 3rd
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club’s annual Youth Fishing Derby is going to be held on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017 rain or shine. The event is limited to 65 participates ages 5 to 15 and those under age 12 are required to be accompanied by an adult. All must pre-register by calling Shirley Branscombe at 536-3539 between May 23 and June 2.
Bring your own fishing rod, bait and chair. As in years past other family members are welcome to attend so as to enjoy some quality family time together. There is no registration fee although it’s requested that, if possible, bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the local food bank.
Signing in for the event begins at 9:00 a.m. with the fishing between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. At noon prizes for the longest string of fish, the longest fish, and the youngest participant will be awarded along with many other prizes as supplied by Cabela’s.
There will also be a free BBQ of hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks will be served by members of the New Brunswick Conservation Officers Association. The general public is frequently not aware of the efforts of these officers in protecting our wildlife and catching poachers, and often, in remote areas of this province.
The Club has obtained funding from the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund to assist in paying expenses. Those costs include the buying and transporting of 200 trout, paying the insurance, obtaining additional prizes, etc. The funding is designated for such events as this derby where youth can catch trout and be encouraged to develop a lifetime love of fishing along with the realization of the need to protect the environment.
Bring your own fishing rod, bait and chair. As in years past other family members are welcome to attend so as to enjoy some quality family time together. There is no registration fee although it’s requested that, if possible, bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the local food bank.
Signing in for the event begins at 9:00 a.m. with the fishing between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. At noon prizes for the longest string of fish, the longest fish, and the youngest participant will be awarded along with many other prizes as supplied by Cabela’s.
There will also be a free BBQ of hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks will be served by members of the New Brunswick Conservation Officers Association. The general public is frequently not aware of the efforts of these officers in protecting our wildlife and catching poachers, and often, in remote areas of this province.
The Club has obtained funding from the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund to assist in paying expenses. Those costs include the buying and transporting of 200 trout, paying the insurance, obtaining additional prizes, etc. The funding is designated for such events as this derby where youth can catch trout and be encouraged to develop a lifetime love of fishing along with the realization of the need to protect the environment.
Paul Branscombe selected the Sportsman of the Year
Paul Branscombe received the Sportsman of the year award for his work in 2016. Over the previous year, Paul has chaired the committee for the fish derby, has been a club liaison to different organizations in Sackville and Moncton, organized club involvement in the Sackville Fall Fair and is on the executive committees to both the Sackville Rod and Gun Club and the NB ATV Federation
Clay bird shooting for Summer 2017 begins!

Clay bird shooting will be held every Monday evening (weather depending) 6:00PM at the Landing Road Range. The cost is $4 a round. Non-members must pay an additional $3.50 a night for insurance. The public is invited to attend and all equipment can be provided for a small fee ($10/round).
Club's annual Sportman's Supper once again is a sell out
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held its annual Sportsman’s Supper on Saturday April 8, at the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre. Once again the supper was a sell out.
The Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane opened the event, which was followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Laurie Ann Wesselby.
Throughout the evening a variety of auctions were held. A .22 auto Mossberg Blaze rifle door prize was provided by Green Diamond Outfitters. Prizes included a 39" television, fishing equipment, waterfowl calls, Mossberg .410 pump, and jewelry. In all more than 70 auction items were won. The Silent auction offered items ranging from trail cameras, cast iron cookware, moose calls, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, iron works and a parka. The live auction included a Canada 150 sign, 2 cords of firewood, chocolate cake, a ground blind, several Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Canadian Tire-Amherst, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Cranewood on Main, Studio on the Marsh, Sackville General Contracting, Hicks Berry Patch, Payzant's Home Hardware, Fortec Forestry, Brent Cottrill, Capital Waterfowling, John Massey, Ray Cochrane, Granant Construction, Resourceful Redneck, F.R.S. flooring solutions, Tantramar Electric, N.B. Wildlife Federation. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the supper planning committee, Craig Smith and Roger Estabrooks, as well as all of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
The Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane opened the event, which was followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Laurie Ann Wesselby.
Throughout the evening a variety of auctions were held. A .22 auto Mossberg Blaze rifle door prize was provided by Green Diamond Outfitters. Prizes included a 39" television, fishing equipment, waterfowl calls, Mossberg .410 pump, and jewelry. In all more than 70 auction items were won. The Silent auction offered items ranging from trail cameras, cast iron cookware, moose calls, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, iron works and a parka. The live auction included a Canada 150 sign, 2 cords of firewood, chocolate cake, a ground blind, several Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Canadian Tire-Amherst, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Cranewood on Main, Studio on the Marsh, Sackville General Contracting, Hicks Berry Patch, Payzant's Home Hardware, Fortec Forestry, Brent Cottrill, Capital Waterfowling, John Massey, Ray Cochrane, Granant Construction, Resourceful Redneck, F.R.S. flooring solutions, Tantramar Electric, N.B. Wildlife Federation. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the supper planning committee, Craig Smith and Roger Estabrooks, as well as all of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
Club donates to the Hospital Foundation's Campaign
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club recently donated $1000 to the Sackville Memorial Hospital Foundation's latest campaign, Give Our Surgeons Inside Information.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding a Canada Firearms Safety Course and Atlantic Hunter Education Course .
The Firearm Safety (Part A) will be Mon, Tues May 1, 2 (6-10PM) with testing on Thu May. 11 (by appointment starting at 4pm).
The Hunter Education (Part B) will be Mon, Tues May 8, 9 (6-10PM) .
The Canada Firearms Safety Course is required by anyone who wishes to apply for a firearms license.
The Atlantic Hunter Education is required by anyone who is applying for their first hunting license, or was born after January 1st, 1981. This course is recognized across North America.
The course is being held in the Wetlands Centre at Tantramar Regional High School, located at 223 Main Street in Sackville, N.B.
The Wetlands Centre is located around back of the High School in the old mechanics shop.
You must be at least 11 years to attend the course.
You must pre-register by contacting the NB Department of Natural Resources in Dieppe, telephone 506-856-2344. The office is closed from 12-1:15 pm for lunch. There are limited seats available.
The cost for the entire course is:
16 years and younger- $40.00
17 years and older- $95.00
Hunter education manual-$10.50
Firearm Safety Manual-$10.50
**** For students 16 and younger the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund covers the cost of the 2 manuals. ****
On the 1st night of the course, please bring Identification (Driver's Licence or Birth Certificate). Please note that there is no outdoor footwear allowed inside the classroom, please bring slippers or warm socks.
Sackville Rod & Gun donates to Atlantic Wildlife Institute
Sackville Rod & Gun helps to support Tri-County Ground Search & Rescue with donation
Youth Fishing Derby
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club held their annual youth fishing derby on June 4 at a privately stocked pond in Rockport. The event was attended by 61 local kids from the area, with an age range of 5 up to 15 who gave a donation to a local food bank in lieu of a a registration fee. Prizes were awarded for several catagories, including youngest boy & girl and longest individual and string of fish, as well as everyone receiving fishing tackle. There was also a barbecue held and managed by members of the NB conservation officers Association. A special thanks to the supporters who donated prizes: Canadian Tire, Cabelas, NB Wildlife Trust Foundation and the NB conservation officers Association; as well as a thank you to the Independent for providing a discount for the food and the NB conservation officers Association for managing the BBQ.
Sackville Rod & Gun Club 2nd Annual Highway Cleanup
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club held its second annual highway clean up, removing garbage between the two Sackville Exits. Several volunteers worked from 9 to 12:30, picking up several truckloads of garbage bags, filling an empty dumpster. There was a noticeable decrease in roadside waste recovered from the ditches along the 2km stretch, indicating that the previous year's clean up had removed garbage that was likely present for years. The event was followed up with a BBQ prepared by Rodney Turner. The SRGC would like to thank all of the volunteers who came out to help and Tim Horton's for the use of their dumpster.
Roger Estabrooks the Recipient of Sportsman of the Year
Roger Estabrooks was the second ever winner of Sportsman of the year, presented at the sportsman dinner
Annual Spring Sportsman Supper Continues to be a Hit!
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held its annual Sportsman’s Supper on Saturday April 30, at the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre. The supper was a once again a sell out with 150 tickets sold.
The event opened with a welcome from Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane, followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Laurie Ann Wesselby.
Throughout the evening a number of auctions were held. A .243 Savage Axis door prize was provided by Green Diamond Outfitters. Prizes included a 32" television, ground blind, inflatable boat, Benelli 12 gauge pump, and jewelry. In all more than 50 auction items were won.
The Silent auction offered items ranging from binoculars, monopods, bass rods, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, rifle scopes and jackets.
The live auction included a flies with a fly rod, 3 cords of firewood, choclolate cake, coconut cream pie, several Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Sackville General contracting, Hicks Blueberries, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Guardian Pharmacy, Rodney Lucci, Kevin Davidson, Mary MacLean, Canadian Tire, Liquid Gold Moncton, Sackville Plumbing, the Sackville Harness Shop, Pattersons Family Restaurant, Gary Estabrooks Auto Service, Ben's Service Center, Sears insurance, F.R.S. flooring solutions, Studio on the Marsh, Craig Smith, John Massey, NAPA and Payzant's Home Hardware. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the chair of the supper planning committee Roger Estabrooks, and all Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
The event opened with a welcome from Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane, followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Laurie Ann Wesselby.
Throughout the evening a number of auctions were held. A .243 Savage Axis door prize was provided by Green Diamond Outfitters. Prizes included a 32" television, ground blind, inflatable boat, Benelli 12 gauge pump, and jewelry. In all more than 50 auction items were won.
The Silent auction offered items ranging from binoculars, monopods, bass rods, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, rifle scopes and jackets.
The live auction included a flies with a fly rod, 3 cords of firewood, choclolate cake, coconut cream pie, several Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the supporters of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Sackville General contracting, Hicks Blueberries, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Guardian Pharmacy, Rodney Lucci, Kevin Davidson, Mary MacLean, Canadian Tire, Liquid Gold Moncton, Sackville Plumbing, the Sackville Harness Shop, Pattersons Family Restaurant, Gary Estabrooks Auto Service, Ben's Service Center, Sears insurance, F.R.S. flooring solutions, Studio on the Marsh, Craig Smith, John Massey, NAPA and Payzant's Home Hardware. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the chair of the supper planning committee Roger Estabrooks, and all Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
Tri-County Ground Search & Rescue's Reminder to be Prepared for Outdoor Activities
Peter Clarkson and Jaime Harper of the Tri-County Ground Search & Rescue gave a presentation about safety while enjoying the outdoors in each season. They discussed the importance of planning your trip beforehand and informing others of them, training if you are not accustomed to the activity and bringing essentials no matter how long you plan on being out. More information about Tri-Country Search & Rescue can be found at www.tcgsar.nb.ca, while information of how to safely prepare for outdoor activities can be found at www.adventuresmart.ca.
Final Spring Meeting and Barbeque May 4
The Last meeting of the Sackville Rod & Gun Club until the fall is scheduled for May 4th at the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre at 5:00pm. The meeting is preceded by a BBQ assisted by the Town of Sackville including food being cooked by the Mayor Bob Berry. All are welcome!
Sackville Rod & Gun Club Awarded at NBWF AGM for Membership and Youth
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club attended the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation's 2016 Annual General Meeting in Moncton. The SRGC was presented the Frank Wilson Memorial Award for Promotion of Youth Activities, as well as the Annual Membership Award for the increase in members to the club over the previous year. Thank you to all club executives, members, volunteers and sponsors for helping us host so many successful events! The SRGC annual report to the NBWF is available below for reading.
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Guest Speaker Mike Allan Talks on Rabies in New Brunswick
Mike Allan, the Provincial Rabies Coordinator from the New Brunswick Department of Aquaculture and Agrifoods gave a talk discussing the program that monitors and prevents the spread of the virus in the wildlife of New Brunswick. Any mammal can contract the disease, bats included, with a wide range of symptoms such as aggressive or unusual behaviour, difficulty walking or flying and the presence of porcupine quills or skunk's scent. If an animal is observed that matches these descriptions, it is advised to avoid contact and to report it to telecare New Brunswick at 811.
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The Sackville Rod and Gun Club is holding a Canada Firearms Safety Course and Atlantic Hunter Education Course .
The Firearm Safety (Part A) will be Mon, Tues May 2, 3 (6-10PM) with testing on Thu May 12 (by appointment starting at 4pm).
The Hunter Education (Part B) will be Mon, Tues May 9, 10 (6-10PM) .
The Canada Firearms Safety Course is required by anyone who wishes to apply for a firearms license.
The Atlantic Hunter Education is required by anyone who is applying for their first hunting license, or was born after January 1st, 1981. This course is recognized across North America.
The course is being held in the Wetlands Centre at Tantramar Regional High School, located at 223 Main Street in Sackville, N.B.
The Wetlands Centre is located around back of the High School in the old mechanics shop.
You must be at least 11 years to attend the course.
You must pre-register by contacting the NB Department of Natural Resources in Dieppe, telephone 506-856-2344. The office is closed from 12-1:15 pm for lunch. There are limited seats available.
The cost for the entire course is:
16 years and younger- $40.00
17 years and older- $95.00
Hunter education manual-$10.50
Firearm Safety Manual-$10.50
**** For students 16 and younger the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund covers the cost of the 2 manuals. ****
On the 1st night of the course, please bring Identification (Driver's Licence or Birth Certificate). Please note that there is no outdoor footwear allowed inside the classroom, please bring slippers or warm socks.
The Firearm Safety (Part A) will be Mon, Tues May 2, 3 (6-10PM) with testing on Thu May 12 (by appointment starting at 4pm).
The Hunter Education (Part B) will be Mon, Tues May 9, 10 (6-10PM) .
The Canada Firearms Safety Course is required by anyone who wishes to apply for a firearms license.
The Atlantic Hunter Education is required by anyone who is applying for their first hunting license, or was born after January 1st, 1981. This course is recognized across North America.
The course is being held in the Wetlands Centre at Tantramar Regional High School, located at 223 Main Street in Sackville, N.B.
The Wetlands Centre is located around back of the High School in the old mechanics shop.
You must be at least 11 years to attend the course.
You must pre-register by contacting the NB Department of Natural Resources in Dieppe, telephone 506-856-2344. The office is closed from 12-1:15 pm for lunch. There are limited seats available.
The cost for the entire course is:
16 years and younger- $40.00
17 years and older- $95.00
Hunter education manual-$10.50
Firearm Safety Manual-$10.50
**** For students 16 and younger the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund covers the cost of the 2 manuals. ****
On the 1st night of the course, please bring Identification (Driver's Licence or Birth Certificate). Please note that there is no outdoor footwear allowed inside the classroom, please bring slippers or warm socks.
Becoming Outdoor Woman (B.O.W.) Program 2016
Our club belongs to the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation www.nbwildlifefederation.org .They have a program called Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW). This program teaches various hunting and fishing related activities as well as canoeing, camping, nature crafts. The Sackville Rod & Gun Club will again sponsor a lady for this program for 2016. Our club will accept names of ladies that are interested in the BOW program up to March 7/16 at 6PM. Our executive will then determine the winner.
Any female Sackville Rod & Gun Club members who are 18 or older are eligible to apply for this draw. Membership must be paid up to date to be eligible.
The winning applicant needs to supply transportation to and from the location. This year the BOW course will be held at Green hill lake camp which is in the Mactaquac area (Lower Hainesville). This will be held Fri, Sat and Sun June 3, 4 and 5th. All meals from Friday noon to sunday noon, accommodations, all equipment needed for sessions and instructors are all included.
Any eligible members that are interested, please email Robbie Smith (smithrc@eastlink.ca)
Any female Sackville Rod & Gun Club members who are 18 or older are eligible to apply for this draw. Membership must be paid up to date to be eligible.
The winning applicant needs to supply transportation to and from the location. This year the BOW course will be held at Green hill lake camp which is in the Mactaquac area (Lower Hainesville). This will be held Fri, Sat and Sun June 3, 4 and 5th. All meals from Friday noon to sunday noon, accommodations, all equipment needed for sessions and instructors are all included.
Any eligible members that are interested, please email Robbie Smith (smithrc@eastlink.ca)
Sackville Rod & Gun Club elects new president
The SRGC elected Patrick Gormley to a two year term as president. He can be reached at ptgormley@mta.ca or 506-233-3773.
SRGC 1st annual Adopt-A-Highway
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club hosted it's first annual highway clean up, removing garbage between the two Sackville Exits. A total of 19 volunteers worked from 8:30 to 12:30, picking up 6 truckloads of garbage bags, overfilling an empty dumpster. The event was followed up with a BBQ prepared by Darlene Turner with food sponsored by Rose's Independent Grocer. The SRGC would like to thank all of our sponsors including the NBWF for providing garbage bags, Wayne Anderson for providing safety vests, and especially Tim Horton's for the use of their dumpster.
SRGC Annual Sportsmen's supper a great success!
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club held its annual Sportsman’s Supper on Saturday April 25, at the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre. The supper was a complete sell out with 145 tickets sold.
The event opened with a welcome from Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane, followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Laurie Ann Wesselby.
Throughout the evening a number of auctions were held. A .243 Savage Axis door prize was provided by Green Diamond Outfitters. Prizes included a 32" television, outdoor fireplace, Garmin GPS, Benelli 12 gauge pump, and jewelry. In all more than 45 auction items were won.
The Silent auction offered items ranging from pellet guns, ground blinds, bass rods, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, rifle scopes and quilts.
The live auction included an antique thermometer, 3 cords of firewood, binoculars, many Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the major sponsors of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Sackville General contracting, Hawkes Blueberries, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Guardian Pharmacy, Rodney Lucci, Sackville Plumbing, the Sackville Harness Shop, Pattersons Family Restaurant, Gary Estabrooks Auto Service, Ben's Service Center, Sears insurance, F.R.S. flooring solutions, NAPA and Payzant's Home Hardware. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the chair of the supper planning committee Roger Estabrooks, and all Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
More pictures of the event are available in our gallery HERE.
The event opened with a welcome from Master of Ceremonies Ray Cochrane, followed by a Hip of Beef meal, catered by Laurie Ann Wesselby.
Throughout the evening a number of auctions were held. A .243 Savage Axis door prize was provided by Green Diamond Outfitters. Prizes included a 32" television, outdoor fireplace, Garmin GPS, Benelli 12 gauge pump, and jewelry. In all more than 45 auction items were won.
The Silent auction offered items ranging from pellet guns, ground blinds, bass rods, limited edition Lars Larsen Prints, rifle scopes and quilts.
The live auction included an antique thermometer, 3 cords of firewood, binoculars, many Lars Larsen prints and a trip for two to New Brunswick's finest fishing establishment, Larry's Gulch, for a 3 day all expense paid trip.
The Sackville Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the major sponsors of the event: Green Diamond Outfitters/John Deere, Gauvin Goldsmithing, Sackville General contracting, Hawkes Blueberries, The Sackville Independent Grocer, Guardian Pharmacy, Rodney Lucci, Sackville Plumbing, the Sackville Harness Shop, Pattersons Family Restaurant, Gary Estabrooks Auto Service, Ben's Service Center, Sears insurance, F.R.S. flooring solutions, NAPA and Payzant's Home Hardware. Proceeds from the fundraiser are used to support events and projects in the Sackville area.
A special thank you goes out to the chair of the supper planning committee Roger Estabrooks, and all Sackville Rod & Gun Club members (and their wives/husbands) who prepared such a great event.
More pictures of the event are available in our gallery HERE.
Clay bird shooting begins!
Clay bird shooting will be held every Monday evening (weather depending) starting on May 18 at 6:00PM at the Landing Road Range. The cost is $4 a round. Non-members must pay an additional $3.50 a night for insurance. The public is invited to attend and all equipment can be provided for a small fee ($10/round).
Sackville Rod & Gun Club recognized at NBWF AGM
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club sent two delegates to the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation's 90th Annual General Meeting. The SRGC was awarded the Frank Wilson Memorial Award for Promotion of Youth Activities, as well as the award for the Most Active NBWF Branch an unprecedented 4 consecutive years. Thank you to all club executive, volunteers and sponsors for helping us host so many successful events! The SRGC report to the NBWF is available below for reading.

SRGC - 2015 NBWF AGM Report.docx | |
File Size: | 1145 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Staying Safe in Bear Country
If anyone missed Gerry Redmond's presentation on "Staying Safe in Bear Country" at our April meeting will have one more chance to catch it! Gerry will be presenting to the Chignecto Naturalists on Monday April 20th, 2015 and the public is welcome to attend. The presentation will begin at 7:30 pm in the basement of the Sackville Public Library (use rear entrance). Gerry is the Executive Director of the Maritime College of Forest Technology and a certified wildlife biologist with years of field experience.
Calling all female Club members: Win a free trip To BOW NB!
The Sackville Rod & Gun Club is happy to announce that it will be sending one lucky female club member (18+) to Becoming an Outdoors-Woman. All female club members who have paid their dues by Saturday April 25th are eligible for the draw which will take place at our annual spring supper.
The winner will participate in Nature Art, Fur Harvesting, Map & Compass and gold panning activities during June 5-7 at Green Hill Lake Camp in Lower Hainesville, NB. All food and accommodations will be taken care of during the weekend. To enter the draw or have any questions answered please contact Robbie Smith (smithrc@eastlink.ca) or Sean Gormley (506-871-0081) and check out the BOW NB facebook page by clicking here, or the their NBWF webpage by clicking here.
The winner will participate in Nature Art, Fur Harvesting, Map & Compass and gold panning activities during June 5-7 at Green Hill Lake Camp in Lower Hainesville, NB. All food and accommodations will be taken care of during the weekend. To enter the draw or have any questions answered please contact Robbie Smith (smithrc@eastlink.ca) or Sean Gormley (506-871-0081) and check out the BOW NB facebook page by clicking here, or the their NBWF webpage by clicking here.
Sackville Spring Clean
The Sackville Clean Sweep is an event where town staff, council, students and community members pitch in to help tidy the city streets and public places of garbage accumulated during the winter. This year it will be held on May 2 from 9:00am-noon rain or shine. Participants are asked to meet in the lobby of Town Hall before 9:00. Refreshments will be provided at the event. For more information or to confirm attendance please contact d.cadman@sackville.com.
Forest Foundation of New Brunswick Raffle
FFNB is holding their annual raffle to support habitat projects in New Brunswick. The draw is taking place May 29, 2015. Tickets will be sold at $100 each and only 400 will be made available. Contact 506-859-1240 or order tickets by email here. Please mention you heard about the draw from the Sackville Rod & Gun Club. The prizes are as follows:
1. 5 day moose hunt for 2 in NFLD (1 license, 1 observer)
2. 3 day Miramichi Salmon Trip for 2
3. Tikka 7mm Mag with Burris Scope and case
4. Stryker crossbow, bolts and hard case
5. Gloomis Pro 4x9 ft fly rod, Pflueger Trion reel, line and case
1. 5 day moose hunt for 2 in NFLD (1 license, 1 observer)
2. 3 day Miramichi Salmon Trip for 2
3. Tikka 7mm Mag with Burris Scope and case
4. Stryker crossbow, bolts and hard case
5. Gloomis Pro 4x9 ft fly rod, Pflueger Trion reel, line and case
The Forest Foundation of New Brunswick is a not-for-profit organization working actively to promote conservation, enhancement, expansion and development of wildlife and wildlife habitat. They help fund and implement projects including the Ruffed Grouse Project at Cross Creek and the Cannan Clover Project. Check out the website at: www.forestfoundationofnb.org
Come to our Sportsman's Supper and bid to win a trip to Larry's Gulch!
The Sackville Rod &Gun Club’s annual Sportsman’s Supper will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2015, at the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre, 182 Main Street, Sackville, N.B.. Tickets are $20. This year’s meal will be roast beef, vegetables and dessert. There will be a cash bar. Following the meal, auctions will take place. Doors will open at 5:30, with the meal being served at 7:00.
The door prize is a .243 Savage rifle donated by Green Diamond Equipment-Moncton, and Savage Arms Canada.
Our premiere live auction item is a salmon fishing trip to Larry’s Gulch Lodge on the Restigouche River. The package is for two people and includes: food, lodging, guide and canoe, fishing and instruction. The exclusive Larry’s Gulch Lodge has hosted Canadian dignitaries, American presidents, Hollywood entertainers and professional athletes from around the world. This is the best fishing in New Brunswick, on the river with the biggest fish. The trip is valued at over $2,600.00. For more information and details about this once in a lifetime opportunity visit http://larrysgulch.ca/ .
Our thanks is extended to the province of New Brunswick and the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation for donating the trip.
Very few supper tickets are left. Contact Roger Estabrooks at 506-364-0091 to purchase tickets
The door prize is a .243 Savage rifle donated by Green Diamond Equipment-Moncton, and Savage Arms Canada.
Our premiere live auction item is a salmon fishing trip to Larry’s Gulch Lodge on the Restigouche River. The package is for two people and includes: food, lodging, guide and canoe, fishing and instruction. The exclusive Larry’s Gulch Lodge has hosted Canadian dignitaries, American presidents, Hollywood entertainers and professional athletes from around the world. This is the best fishing in New Brunswick, on the river with the biggest fish. The trip is valued at over $2,600.00. For more information and details about this once in a lifetime opportunity visit http://larrysgulch.ca/ .
Our thanks is extended to the province of New Brunswick and the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation for donating the trip.
Very few supper tickets are left. Contact Roger Estabrooks at 506-364-0091 to purchase tickets